busy Trav is busy

Jun 06, 2011 12:20

Done Saturday:
work eight hours plus a little overtime
go to the furniture store with Mom,
Mom buys twin sleeper-chair
go to Target to buy bedding for chair
crawl behind chair to shove it out of the truck
carry chair inside
>nearly get shoved over backwards with a chair landing on top
>get arm mashed between doorframe and chair
carry chair upstairs
resolve to weight train before moving any more furniture
listen to family (FAMILY, I HAS LOTS RIGHT NOW)
clean bathroom and kittybox so my grandfather can spend the night with us and finally get some sleep
load dry cleaning in car

Done yesterday:
sleeping in
planting petunias
crawling over Mt. Laundry, where did this COME from and who decided to do all of it TODAY?
start setting up concrete-cutting
move (large) rocks out of the way
try and fail to move a railroad tie by myself
get the call, abandon concrete in favor of slipping my grandmother antidepressants
go to Home Depot
>buy a pump
>two plastic buckets
>pink duct tape
>and seven cinderblocks
Smile at very nice contractor-man who loaded my van for me
unload the cinderblocks
Get almost set up to cut concrete block....
...fuck it, I'm exhausted
put everything away, restack the concrete,
hide the sawblades and safety equipment so my father doesn't "help" me by cutting concrete without me (because even if he doesn't injure himself, he will do it wrong. He will assume he knows what size and angle to cut it without actually asking, checking, measuring, or so much as consulting the stars.)
...and go to Ericka/Krysti/Sabrina's for a mini BBQ
That turned into FIRE! POKE IT! :D
Have social time
come home reeking of smoke and glittering with ash

Done today:
why do people keep wanting to ask me questions when I'm barely conscious? I don't care if I'm moving and my eyes are open. We're not even fully vertical, this is not "awake."
Full physical (I have blood and organs! WOO HOO)
go to Fred Meyers
>drop off dry cleaning
>buy a clematis vine
>buy earplugs
>buy functioning allergy medication (YAY!)
>consider buying more things, resolve to get a functioning pond schematic and the concrete cut first
home, climb over Mt. Laundry (Srsly. WHY is all this stuff down there?) and start own laundry
make lunch
top off fish tanks... having to soak vinyl hose in hot water to get it to fit over a pump adapter first.
eat lunch
Get The Call: grandmother goes to an inpatient rehab facility at 2. I am needed at 1.
Look out window, decide I'm not cutting concrete today either,
come upstairs to blog, change clothes,

...and hopefully plant the clematis before I go.
Miranda-cat (I have a new cat!) goes to the vet at 4:20.

Or maybe I'll respond to my editor first. Oops. ^^;

ADDENDUM: took cat to vet,
figured out the schematics of the pond (less concrete to cut! YES!)
cleaned up the back patio, covered in two winters of eaten birdseed and trash and feathers and bird doo
dug up about six square feet of turf
softened up the concrete-like dirt under the turf
got a start on mixing the sweepings from the patio into the dirt
had dinner
looked at the pile of clean laundry on the bed and dumped it all in the closet

lists, rl, family, projects

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