Who am I kidding? tl;dr will never die

May 26, 2010 19:09

I sat down to update my Livejournal and I realized I had nothing much to say. Plurk and Twitter are wonderful (well, Plurk is wonderful, Twitter is a sea of freeform ADD that makes me twitch), but slowly we're losing something in the transition--writing becomes shorter, frequent, fitted into decreasing attention spans in a lovely "chicken or the egg?" psychological scenario.

Oh, sure. For the most part this is GREAT. Three-quarters of the internet (usually including me) SHOULD be truncated at 140 characters, three-quarters of the time. For example, few people want the next American novel on how I made potato soup when I was tired (though if I managed to make that into the next American novel, way to go creative problem solving with inane premise) or how I finally have intimate understanding of why web designers smile at you and nod and say "okay, sure." Or that I have new sheets (that required visiting four stores to shop for) and my cat is clean now and smells like tea tree mint shampoo.

PS: the new sheets are delicious, and the cat is NEVER EVER allowed in my room without clipped claws.

And now I leave you. I'm making potato soup.

internets, inanity, rl, observations

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