Jan 18, 2010 00:38
Stupid swine flu, I don't want articles about traveling IN Mexico, I WANT THE BLASTED CUSTOMS FORMS FOR MAILING SHIT TO MEXICO.
EDIT: Okay. I have spent an hour trying to find customs forms, since getting a price quote for mailing this stuff told me that I needed them. Tomorrow I am going to the post office not, as I had thought, to mail a box, but to get the forms. And if THEY do not have them, plan B is to enlist my local Peruvian to help me find them. And if THAT fails plan C is to completely ruin any element of surprise and give my favorite Mexican the itemized contents and have HER fill the damn things out.
Ordinarily I would lie, but I have funny luck shipping, mailing, and traveling internationally. All my stuff is inspected. The end.