
Sep 09, 2009 18:27

Boxes: some emptied, some sorted into subpiles. Subpiles still to be dealt with*:
-bathroom (the upside to having bathroom renovation all over the counter is that, when I put my things away, none of it will go on the counter, ERGO, when the bathroom is finally finished, I will have a clear countertop. Theoretically)
-clean laundry
-books (among mixed the subsets: video game cases and CD cases)
-jewelry and costume jewelry and false eyelashes, oh my!
-Stuff That Goes Someplace Else

And jeebus, there is a lot of eBay. A LOT. Of lots. And my mother has a large pile of eBay, too.

*this is of course not counting the famous, world-reknowned subsets Storage Locker, Craigslist, and That Pile In The Garage From When I Moved**

**I have a theory. It goes something like "if you have lived six months of your life without opening those boxes, you don't actually need any of them." However I am not going to wait until December to see if I'm right.

ebay, rl, packrat, home improvement

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