The internet-at-large is much less nerdy than I thought.

May 14, 2009 16:45

I mean, I can't even code or recognize chips, don't own Star Wars or Star Trek memorabilia, and... okay, yeah, if I got the opportunity to connect my BRAIN to the internet wirelessly I'd totally go for it.

Still. In fifteen minutes I'm going to a knitting circle (hey, I didn't say I was cool, right, just that I wasn't that nerdy) where I will have actual human contact with people who are physically present in the same room as I am. And it's not work, school, or in my apartment! How's that for not-nerdy? I feel like the internet is letting me down when 75% of the people doing this are less nerdy than I am. XD

Now THIS seems more accurate. Especially since I just put off showering to chat online and take another timewaster test.


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