
Jan 26, 2009 01:56

Who was dumb enough to take three studio classes, two upper-division, at the same time? Me.

Whose hands are shaking like leaves in protest over being forced to do fine-detail enameling for three hours? Mine.

Whose shoulders are set up like steel because the workbenches are JUST the wrong height? Mine as well.

Who has two projects due Thursday? Me again.

Who still has to start one of them? Still me.

Who's so fried over keeping up with classes she keeps forgetting paperwork (academic appeal, grant forms, class transfers)? MEEEEE.

Whose bathroom is starting to become a wee bit frightening? Mine.

Whose roommate is evidently psychologically incapable of taking out the trash? MINE. (Ye gods, I left an empty trashcan and was gone TWO NIGHTS and the Trashcan Jenga is already impressive)

Whose mother dug a sheet of "silver" out of the garage, and handed her steel instead? Mine (she's almost as busy as I am, though, and one sheet of gray metal in a dim garage is pretty close to all the others. She DOES have silver, she just forgot she had steel and found that first.)

Who's buying sheet silver from the nicest grad student ever? That would be me.

Who's become dependent on catnip tea to turn off at night? Me.

Yet I am not behind on anything, nothing's exploded or on fire, the cat, rat, and fish haven't starved to death, nothing's going WRONG. I am told this is "doing well."

"Doing well" is not as great as I thought it was. @_@

(I have to draw a line-only still life of four objects, due 1pm Thursday. Gotta start that tomorrow. Have to finish enameling my fake stones, construct a ring, and set them, due 6pm Thursday and THAT scares the hell out of me OMG WOW. Gotta keep up with the ceramics project due NEXT Thursday, though HOORAY WEEKEND for that one... but the test tiles need finishing toot sweet. Gotta get all the aforementioned paperwork in this Tuesday. Gotta clean up and reconstruct a bracelet from last quarter to enter into the Yuma Art Symposium student show- HOORAY WEEKEND. Gotta compulsively list shit so I can forget it and go to sleep.)


art projects, rl, mentall illness, school, art

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