By internet username. I'm trying to play "one of these things is not like the others," figure out if there's anything attached to "Travellyr" that I don't want anyone I'd give the name "Travellyr" to to see. Prospective employers wouldn't get this name, most of my family doesn't have it... so I can't actually think of much. Blind dates...?
Anyway, OKcupid has me listed as male. XD This is the ongoing in-joke of my life. As an infant, everyone thought I was a boy, so my mother dressed me up in so many ruffles and bows and pink and lace that a Barbie wedding cake would have gone "...dude. O_O" The Japanese still thought I was a boy. I had to have been the youngest mistaken-for-drag-queen I've ever heard of.
In high school, my official school schedule/transcript had me listed as male. Two different semesters.
I had to correct my college records once, for the same reason.
At gay bars, I am never sure if I am being hit on by guys because they thing a gay danceclub is a great place to pick up straight women, or if they aren't sure I'm a real woman. XD I'm very tall and very thin, so it's gone both ways. (Tip: if it's too beautiful to be real, it's a drag queen or tranny. If it looks like a human being, it's probably a woman.)
So, now OKcupid thinks I'm a man. It's baffling, and random, but also routinely hilarious.
EDIT: ::dissolved in hilarity:: NO WONDER THE INTERNETS THINK I'M A QUEEN. Check the photo, and the gender is listed as male. XD XD
I can't decide if I should fix this or leave it. YET click the other language flags up there at the top, and like magic, I'm a woman again!
I have no idea why I'm female in English, Italian, and German, and a male in Portugese and Spanish (Hebrew and Dutch are wildcards, because I can't read them). PERHAPS IT IS ALL PART OF MY MYSTIQUE.