So I've been sick for the last few days, and when asked how I feel, the answer is occasionally "like the undead."
I'm not dead, I'm not dying, but I'm not exactly perky.
Thoughts for today:
I don't feel well, so I either don't feel hungry, or I actually feel like eating would be a Bad Idea. Anyone around on gchat yesterday around 4pm was treated to what happens when lack of food also equals lack of painkillers.
But it struck me that most of what I have eaten is orange. I have been putting so much honey in my tea I might as well just skip the middleman and drink the honey out of the bottle, and in three days I drank ten quarts of Tang.
Which is really, unnaturally orange.
And then I ate box mac 'n cheese (with the included macaroni swapped out for gluten-free noodles, because I do not feel lucky), which is also pretty famous for being unnaturally orange.
Nothing else tastes good, nothing else seems appetizing, and occasionally anything else sounds bad. The scent of my roommate's dollar-store pizza, for example, nearly made me puke up my spleen.
Is there some kind of medicinal property to orange food dye?
me: so. brains are mostly composed of fat, and may be the fattiest organ in the body.
Fat is the most efficient natural food source- quick-acting and long-lasting, beating out sugars, which are quick-acting and fast-dying.
chaosblue: That explains why anorexic girls tend to be so stupid.
me: so, zombies, who are partially decomposed and thus have limited digestive capabilities, probably have a good reason for craving this particular organ.
the question is, is it instinctual, or is there some sort of zombie-nurture program that teaches them, like introducing a kid to ice cream?
chaosblue: Oooo, good question.
me: according to google, mammalian brains have the consistency of pudding.
this is probably also a plus to the undead, who despite their famed ability to chew through shopping mall doors, might not be able to swallow all that well.
chaosblue: You are in a weird mood.
me: I'm ill. The filters are off.