quiz dump

Apr 10, 2008 17:33

It's once again time to dump quiz results... I think these range from November into today.

66% Geek

Chibi Seme
Take Are you a Seme or an Uke? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

You are the seme in disguise. Able to fit in and get along with uke and seme alike, you are able to get close to the uke on their level before exerting your dominance. This makes you at times manipulative and able to fool others about your true seme nature. Because of your harmless appearance, it takes the flamboyantly gay Flaming Uke to really bring out your aggressive side and expose you for the seme that you are. Now you can get pins of your result here.

What color is your soul painted?
Your soul is painted the color purple, which embodies the characteristics of sensuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nobility, mystery, enlightenment, arrogance, gaudiness, mourning, confusion, pride, delicacy, power, meditation, religion, and ambition. Purple falls under the element of Earth, and was once a European symbol of royalty; today it symbolizes the divine.

Click Here to Take This Quiz

Quizzes and Personality Tests

You are logical, unconventional, ingenious, and complex.

You value knowledge above everything else, and are always generating new theories. You're very independent, and like to have time alone to think or read. You find truths your own way, often ignoring tradition.



though given my long-and-narrow build (BROOKE! BROOKE!), this is more out of balance and stubbornness than any ACTUAL physical stopping power. XD


some of these are "somebody's spent too long in the crayola aisle," but a lot of the ones I missed, like "turquoise," are just FAAAAIL. ^^;

And because I scan for childcare jobs.... >:D

$5325.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.

mmm. bodysnatchers.

The difference? City size and presence of firearms. <3


Woot. Plan on crashing? Don't bring me, I'm not up for that ride. But you can call for a consult.


Just a thought if we're ever lost in the mountains. Though if I drop dead, you might not want to eat me- I probably nommed on some gnarly plant.

I Scored a 93%!

...which might surprise you given the amount of TIME I spend on it- or not, given that I generally phail geek history questions.

2,247,000How Many Germs Live On Your Keyboard?

...don't lick it.
(Can you actually dishwash your keyboard? oO;;)

269 WATTS Body Battery Calculator - Find Out How Much Electricity Your Body is Producing -

"This is 8% MORE wattage than the average person
You could light up 3 light bulbs
You could power 67 iPods
You could power 1 Xbox 360
4 of you would be needed to keep a refrigerator running"
...the refrigerator is the most important part. I was considering charging my own iPod until I got to that one.


There's a bit of a grey area in Mufasa's death, as Scar threw him off a clif INTO a wildebeest stampede.


I tried to take the "How Addicted To Coffee Are You?" quiz, but the frequency numbers didn't go low enough. ._.


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