[crossposted to LJ, IJ, and MySpace]
^_^ I heart Costco. Costco is why I had canned peaches for breakfast, and peach juice in my tea.
I had a nice day yesterday. I got up early (7a), after not going to bed quite soon enough (but fairly decent- 2am), and met theater-ex-roommate(TER) and her friend Aimee, and we popped by their friend B's to go wake him up- only he wasn't home. Then we went to Ranch and Home for Chick Day (where if you bring a box they'll give you ten free chicks per adult in your party) and got two of each color- ten chicks.
Then we took them back to TER's apartment (they went PII PII PII PII ALL THE WAY THERE SOCUTE) and cuddled them for an hour- SO CUTE. Some of you got blurry picture-messages of chicks. This is why. ^-^ One of them did not want to be cuddled- he climbed up and stood on my shoulder, probably near enough to feel the heat coming off of my neck, but nowhere near enough to said neck for it to count as cuddling. :3 Then he went to sleep. (The ones snuggling in our various hands went to sleep too. ^___^)
After the hour, we went back to R&H and gave the chicks to someone else, as none of us has the means or time to actually take care of chicks, chickens, or anything else in the poultry life cycle besides "food." And then we went to breakfast at the Starlight Cafe (it only does breakfast on weekends) and had omelettes and mimosas.
I proved yet again that I am a VERY cheap date. XD
After breakfast we wandered around downtown (art gallery, pet store) until the mimosas wore off (at least, mine- theirs never even wore ON X3), switched cars (I'd been driving, now TER was) and went to Costco. YAY COSTCO. A.M. only got two things, but TER and I were in the Costco spirit. I got olive oil, toilet paper, dishwasher soap, rice- all things current-roommate and I needed. But I got five quarts of olive oil (over a gallon, for those of you not up on your retarded-system math), twenty-five pounds of rice, a tub of soap, and enough toilet paper to last us probably until the end of the year. XD I also got some "wants"- marinated artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes (both in large jars), balsamic vinegar, and canned peaches.
Since TER's trunk was full to start with, packing the car was like playing Tetris. XD So awesome, since I think that kind of thing was fun. I got to ride home cuddled on TER's Costco-pack of paper towels. <3 We had lunch at Applebee's (I'm kind of enh about Applebee's now. It isn't as good without a certain salty waitress to let me know what's best), hit Best Buy (A.M. got some games), and headed back.
All three of us retired to our respective apartments for a few hours, then I tarted myself up in rhinestone false eyelashes, beaded jeans, and going-out makeup. TER picked me up, and we all got back together at her place to drink, eat Costco fruit tarts, and watch "Connie & Carla" while TER and I painted our nails. You should paint your nails while watching movies about drag queens, it's tradition.
I learned how to take shooters. I also learned that my mouth isn't big enough to take a full shot as a single shot. XD Washington State Apples are good to sip, but they really taste better as a shooter, and that's the thing about shooters I never understood until I had them. I learned to shoot whiskey. TER and her boyfriend were very nice to me, and taught me with Crown Royal. XD They were also nice enough to me to teach me all of the above with only four drinks AND dinner in about four hours. With some water, this is enough time for my metabolism to keep up and keep me well away from "trashed" no matter HOW cheap a date I am.
A.M. dropped us (TER, her boyfriend, and me) off at the Starlight (now at ten-thirty PM) and went home, and we had a nice evening out. TER's boyfriend and I chatted about different forms of martial arts, we wandered to a couple bars and ended up at the Oak Rail (which I don't particularly like, but it's okay with the right company). They introduced me to a couple of their friends that we ran into, we discussed the drunk guy TER's boyfriend was chatted up by in the bathroom, eventually we took a taxi home, and all in all I had a nice time. I would have had a better time if the music ANYWHERE had been decent enough to dance to, but it wasn't, and this is a FEAT, because I am NOT all that picky. 9_9
Still. Very nice time. ^_^ Yay.