So I somehow find myself as the moderator of a pair of games, based on a subscription site's stories. Mookie eyes were involved.
Anyway, I made up character templates (the other mod wrote up the rules), and did up a sample character because there are a loooot of RPG virgins on the board.
Your Name: Travellyr
Character Name: Oscar the Grouch
Race: Grouch
Alignment: Free agent, pro-anarchy
Gender: Male
Hair color: Green
Eye color: Dark
Skin color:
General build: Bloblike
Occupation: Grouch. This is similar to "hobo."
History: Once upon a time, a grouchy green blob was hatched. He was named Oscar. Eventually, after graduating with a Bachelor's in Political Science, Oscar moved to Sesame Street, where he has lived ever since (though he did leave it once, to help find Big Bird).
Magical Skills: None
Any special skills: Able to travel around the city via a secret subdimensional portal that connects all trash cans; able to bitch out anyone, anytime, anywhere, at a moment's notice.
Any special weaknesses: Puppy eyes, "I love you, Oscar."
Any existing relation to in-game characters? None
Likes: Garbage, alone time, sarcasm, and cockroaches
Dislikes: Warm and fuzzy feelings, people kicking his trash cans, being pestered
Hobbies: Collecting trash, breeding exotic cockroaches, tending his pet worm Slimey and pet elephant Fluffy
Phobias: None
Reaction to Sudden Hugs: "HEY! GET OFF OF ME! WHAT ARE YOU TRY TO DO, KILL ME? Geez. Oh... oh FINE." *sulks*
Odd Habits: Always sleeps with a nightcap, always.
Normal Daily Routine: Wake up, make some coffee from used grounds, feed the pets, and read yesterday's paper. Lift off the trashcan lid to yell at the neighbors, finish coffee and reading, and go about grumbling. Take some time off for lunch, gripe about not getting enough consideration, and then yell at the kids when they get out of school for making too much racket near his trash cans. Feed the cockroaches, have a little dinner, read "The Adventures of Trash Gordon" to Slimey, watch CSPAN, and go to bed.
Sin of Anger: YES. Oscar has anger issues and is ALWAYS grouchy. That's what he is, he's a grouch. But while his temper is very quick, it just as quickly dies down to a low smoulder after flaring up, and making The Face With The Eyes will usually get him to forgive you and halfheartedly snarp at you to go away.
Sin of Envy: Not really- Oscar tends not to covet what other people have, since it'll all end up in his trashcans one day anyway.
Sin of Pride: OH YES. Oscar is right, and you are wrong, and you had best remember that. He's very houseproud, too, and heaven help you if you should kick his trash cans.
Sin of Gluttony: Not really, but he does like a good tossed salad now and then.
Sin of Lust: Nope. So far as we can tell, Oscar has no sex drive whatsoever. It's probably for the best.
Sin of Avarice: YEP! This is HIS trash, HIS trashcans, and YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY.
Sin of Sloth: Kinda sorta yes. Oscar rarely leaves the can- er, the house... can... his place of residence. Mostly he just sticks his head out from under the lid to yell at people.
Virtue of Faith: Grudgingly, yes. He likes to rain on everyone's parade, but if you're really feeling down... he'll share that yeah, he really does believe that the world will keep on spinning, and that you'll find your way.
Virtue of Hope: NOPE. Oscar is a pessimist, born and bred.
Virtue of Charity: Heck no. Weeell... he did help his friends and neighbors when Big Bird got first lost, then kidnapped, because underneath all that grouchiness is a soft heart. Just don't expect him to be nice on a regular basis!
Virtue of Fortitude: HECK YEAH! It takes tremendous staying power to be THAT grouchy in the face of THAT many people who want to cheer you up.
Virtue of Justice: Yes. Oscar is fair, more or less, and he certainly likes retribution. He's not TOO much for the actual law, though. We've caught him reading issues of Anarchist Monthly in his trash can, though that COULD be because somebody else threw them away.
Virtue of Temperance: Yes. Moderation doesn't RULE Oscar's life, but it does have considerable say, unlike others we could name COUGHCOOKIEMONSTERCOUGH.
Virtue of Prudence: YEP. He never throws anything away, and certainly never wastes a thing. He's also very good at managing his time.
Non-Player Characters: His roaches and immediate neighbors, pet worm Slimey, pet elephant Fluffy, Fluffy's friends, and his neice, Irvine.
Anything else? Well, he's been eyeing that new galvanized aluminum lid in the Sears catalog, and wondering if it's worth the splurge.