
Jan 27, 2013 22:24

I'm having issues with a friend of mine flaking on me for a specific Thing we're trying to do. Friend skipped out the first couple times for legit reasons but skipped out again recently with no explanation. The last time Friend skipped out, I gave Friend a graceful out in case Friend was no longer interested in doing the Thing. My feelings will be... well, minimally hurt if Friend is no longer interested in Thing. I can't even tell if I'm getting too invested in all this; the cycle of me reaching out and Friend being hard to get ahold of and hard to pin down for specifics is feeling a little too much like being a clingy girlfriend. Do not like. Friend is going through trying times now, I think, so maybe that's a part of the flakiness? Maybe it was a simple misunderstanding about the date?

I know, the best path is to talk to Friend and see what's up. I'm working up to it. Gosh, it really IS like being a clingy girlfriend! I need to shut this whole overanalysis thing down. I've been flaked on and stood up before, for goodness sake.

In other news, it struck me today as hilarious that I got really into knitting and cooking and related forms of domestic-ing when I came to NYC (starting WELL before I got involved with Sweetie). That doesn't seem like the usual route. I probably thought of that because I did a lot of domestic-ing on this pretty but chilly day: apricot ginger bread baking, new yarn kniting, bitters batch starting, and possibly new batch of sprouts starting yet tonight. I am intimidated by the spirits I'm using for the bitters; it's 192 proof. It's probably the closest thing to Everclear that's legal in NYC.

I'm working on my 2012 NaNo! I don't yet hate it, huzzah! I'm very near the climactic scene, and it's going to clock in a hair under the usual novel wordcount, but there's a lot I can add. I mean, a lot to cut too, but I think more of the former. I might add another POV character just for the climactic scene, which might be obnoxious to read, but I find the idea charming, so ha.

The bottom portion of my iPhone case belongs now to the Cat Dimension. I hardly knew ye, bottom portion of iPhone case!
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