Funniest thing I have read in the news recently

Dec 13, 2007 01:18

I was watching one of those late night talk shows, I think Letterman and Russell crow comes on stage and is really in a somber mood and he keeps apologizing and says the NYC police were very professional about the whole thing but they never talk about the incident, just that he assaulted someone somewhere.

So I looked it up and this is what I found.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY SPOKESWOMAN: The charges are assault in the second degree and criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.

TANYA NOLAN: Did it outline what that weapon was?


TANYA NOLAN: And what sort of maximum penalty do those charges carry?

DISTRICT ATTORNEY SPOKESWOMAN: Um, it is a D felony, the first charge, the assault in the second degree, which could carry up to seven years in prison. The misdemeanour would be a year in jail.

This is for throwing a phone at a hotel employee for not replacing it or something like that. I just thought the interview was funny.
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