I am going to leave my house

Dec 06, 2007 12:59

For the past few days I have been hermiting. I only leave my house for school or unavoidable errands. I also want to do everything while laying in bed.

It is really hard to cross research on your computer, through books and your notes if you won't get out of bed. So I set 3 alarms all over my room. Usually I can ignore them but I out-smarted myself last night by setting one that wouldn't go off for an hour.

Anyway, I am going out to get coffee. Then after I study for my exam, I get to do go to 555 California to a construction site in the B of A building. My professor was one of the head designers of the original building.

My tour will be given by the project head at Gensler and the on-site constuction manager. I will be wearning a hard hat and maybe a vest. I am so excited. They said I could take pics.
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