May 30, 2008 12:20

About a year ago, we were left with Jack's very passionate and emotional plea, "we have to go back!"  A year, a writer's strike, numerous flash forwards and flash backs and a few more characters, and we find that they may indeeed be going back.  While this finale wasn't as shocking and jaw-dropping (save for one really cool moment)  as last year's, it definitely held up.

Again, I marvel at the writing. We've seen shows with a "mythology" before - Buffy, X-Files, even Star Trek to some extent, but adding  mythology and non-linear storytelling with character lives as interwoven as a tapestry before they even met each other amazes me week after week.

As the characters grow, I find that my opinion of a few of them changes. I've missed Sayid this season, but they kind of made up for that in the last few episodes.  If I could have any fictional character take a step out of the TV box and cover my back, it would be this former Republican Guard member.  He's smart, he's got a good head on his shoulders and he's got balls of steel.

I go warm and cold on Jack.  One minute he seems to be a  focused leader, and the next he's an absolute mess of a man.

Locke is nuts - no doubt about it.  Possibly the best line ever: "just wait until you see what I'm gonna do."   YYYEAAAAHHHH!

Sun.  She's fast becoming my favorite of the bunch.  Recent revelations have shown her to be much stronger than she intially let on, yet we've seen signs all along that she was her own woman, from the very beginning when she withheld her English language abilitiy from her husband.

Sawyer --  OMG!  Wishing for Juilet's view when he walked out of the ocean!  Sacrifice for the others?  Definitely.  I LOVED that!

Desmond.  I like Desmond.  I LOVED that he was finally reunited with Penny, yet they may have to stay on the run.  There's a romance in that that won't quit.

Kate.  I still can't get a bead on her.  I think there's more to her that hasn't been revealed yet. I'm waiting.

Michael.  Redemption.  There was an interview on TV Guide.com with the actor who was complaining that the story wasn't resolved the way he wanted it to be and there was an element of racism in not reuniting Michael with Walt.  I get really sick of actors and fans complaining that writers didn't do what they wanted the writers to do.  Sorry!  They're telling the story.  You're a cog in the wheel and should be glad for a paycheck.  This character had a purpose.  He betrayed and was redeemed in the end.  My guess is the real story will be with Walt.  I think he may return to the island.

Ben...my usual reaction to Ben is: who the hell is this guy?  But now that reaction has shifted to Richard.

So... an island that again and again defies all sense of what we know to be scientifically possible, from healing to time/space travel to an icy cavern under the Pacific Ocean to actually changing position to whatever is next.  Villains battling for something yet to be revealed.  Dead people coming back to life to offer cryptic instructions and warnings and a guy who seems to never age.  Why would anyone not watch this show?

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