book update

May 21, 2008 15:32

 #18  Deep Storm by Lincoln Child
Doctor is offered a job on a super secret operation taking place on an oil platform in the North Atlantic ocean.  There are a series of unexplained illnesses.  He finds that the oil platform is only the beginning. There's a science facility two miles underneath the platform digging deep into the ocean floor to uncover a mystery....

This was typical Child.  Danger and crazy people in an isolated area.  The plot was interesting. The reason for the dig was good and the technology was interesting.  All in all, it kept me interested, but I'm glad I waited for the paperback.  This one might even be a good library read.  I think I'm going to put it in the box going to the used bookstore.  I probably won't read it again.

#19  English as a Second Language by Megan Crane
Chick lit - Girl trys to one-up ex-boyfriend by going to graduate school in England.  Much drinking, satire and sarcasm.

This one was funny in spurts.  There were some humorous reflections on the life of an English major, but other than that, no literary value and it wasn't even really entertaining overall. 8

50 book challenge

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