Spring break is almost over. ::sob::: and that list of things to do - school projects, cleaning closets, washing my car, reading, etc, all got ignored thanks to the Sci Fi channel showing an entire week of back to back Battlestar Galactica episodes. I think I wore a spot in the couch from sitting still all day.
Watching this show episode after episode really enhances the experience. It's much easier to crawl into the story of the "rag-tag fugitive fleet" when the flow is not interrupted by an entire week of real life. The writing is strong and the moral and philosophical ground explored is compelling. Fans can debate all they want over who the next cylon is or where the romantic relationships should be but the thing that sucks me into the show is the constant examination of choices.
Decisons are made.
Actions are taken.
Atrocities are committed.
Justifications are offered.
Consequences are suffered.
Over and over again this show places its characters in situations where they make extraordinary decisions. After all, they are not fighting for the survival of their political ideals or for land or even for control of a people. These are the justifications for our wars. And we have rules for our wars so as to not make warfare too, shall we say, savage. These people are beyond war. They're fighting for the survival of their species. They are one step ahead of complete and utter genocide and they do what they must to survive. It's extreme. The morals and values are different in this context. Or are they?
The other interesting part of this show is the power of the women. From cylon Sharon who saves the fleet numerous times to the President of the Colonies who never raises her voice, yet controls the room, to the fierce Starbuck to the beautiful manipulative Six who calls the shots through the weakling Baltar. Don't mess with any of these women. Any one of them will take you down in an instant.
The fourth and final season starts tonight. This is the current ad:
Much to talk about here. Anders, Tigh and the Chief are here, yet not Tori. Apollo is relatively alone. Six is in the Jesus position....maybe it means something. Maybe it was just the producers having fun. Who knows. I guess we'll find out soon enough.