やったー!I did it!
我が攻撃に一片の敵もな~し! No enemy can stand before my attacks!
ふっふっふっふ~ん♪ Hehehehehe ♪
各個撃破が基本だよね It’s the rule of ’divide and conquer’.
ごめんなさいって Sorry!
えっ? あ、あははっ…… Huh? A, haha...
おっ、やるね♪ All done ♪
With other characters:
ロディ「私が立ち止まれば、世界が止まる……」 Rodi: If I were to stop, the world would stop as well...
ディオ「お、何それ?」Dio: Wow, what’s
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