Table is reserved! Cake is being planned!
This is the first time in years I've invited an actual group out for my b-day. It's 3 days early because a weekend works best - L and Jo will sleep over so they can go back to Jnshn on Sunday instead of having to leave early to catch the last bus Saturday night - and my actual birthday sucks because the restaurants are all booked out weeks in advance for Valentine's Day. :P
So yeah - food, drinks, good music with the band, a reserved table right in front, ice cream cake, and the 9 people I like the most in China to share it with. i am really looking forward to turning 32. :)
In other news, Ru's eye is healing really well. She's getting more reprieves from the cone of shame, as she as stopped scratching and rubbing her eyes. I think she's adjusting. Another week or so and we'll know for sure what the deal is.
Merlin - here be spoilers!!!
We finished Merlin season 4. Oh. My. God. so many parts I love. I am in love with half of Arthur's knights - Gawain!!! He is just pure adorableness and fight.
Look at him!
Percy is simply known as 'Arms'.Mmm....aaaarrrrrrmmmmmsssssss.... The only knight to cut the arms off his chainmail.... or the chainmail simply won't fit around those aaarrrrmmmmsss......:)
Aaarrrrmm--- yes, you get it. :)
Elyen was so awesome in the spirit child episode. I just wanted to cuddle him. Oh yes. And of course, we bawled our eyes out over Lancelot. My baby! Oh *heartbreak* Merlin! *sobsobsob*
Morgana is such an epic bad girl - I adore her. I don't know why the baby white dragon saved her at the end of the finale - I'm hoping that maybe there's a hint of healing the anger in her heart now that Uther's dead and maybe we can see a return to the Morgana of S1? That Morgana kicked ass on the side of good.
I am still not liking the marriage of Arthur and Gwen. There is still no chemistry between them. There is more chemistry between Arthur and Merlin (or Merlin and Gawain) than anyone else. She and Lancelot would have made a good pair. I wonder if Lance will come back in S5. He sacrificed himself into the veil but we never saw him die. His shade died in episode 9 - there's a lot more leeway here to bring back a dead character than there is in the entire Marvel universe, c'mon Merlin producers, don't let us go without our lovable Knight! I want him and Gwen to have a 2nd chance!
Click to see PROOF of Arthur / Merlin chemistry (pic spam put together by and I borrowed 2 images from
piccolo_poo - see her
entry here for 8 more image sets of why Arthur and Merlin just WORK):
Go see the rest of that amazing entry. :)
I really hope there's more development of Merlin's powers in S5. And more dragon interaction - he's a Dragonlord now dammit, and there's two dragons left. I want to see him interact with Aithusa. What a cutie he is!