
Jul 07, 2008 02:00

I like it. I like it a lot. :D

Mom and I rented kayaks tonight and spent an hour going up and down the canal, with the occasional crash as we learned to navigate the darn things. ^_^ Now she wants to buy one. Me too. But until I can afford one, I'll rent. I'm going to convince thumper_cobra to go with me on Tuesday when she's off work. ^^

Yesterday was fun too - it was Holli's baby shower ( thumper_cobra's younger sister) at Balls falls, a gorgeous conservation area about 20 minutes out of town. After the food and games and presents, thumper_cobra, her baby sister Rachel and her three younger male cousins all went for a hike to see the falls. We took lots of pics and Rachel is under oath to post them on facebook for me to steal so I can post them here.

After the baby shower, thumper_cobra and I met up with australia_rulz and headed for Niagara Falls to go see 'Indianna Jones and the Crystal Skull'.

I won't spoil you. But the ending was corny. Very corny. And predictable. But what I do like? When Shia Leboeff went to pick up Indy's hat to try it on at the end, as though the director was saying 'this is our way of ushering in the NEW Indianna Jones' - and then Harrison Ford snatched in away, as if to say in response, "Um, HELL no. There can be only one." **

There is no Indianna Jones without Harrison Ford. This is not like the James Bond movies where we can have a dozen different actors play the Bond character. I hope the Indianna saga stops here. The first three were so much better.

I did another Polly and Batcat pic. They are so BFF's it ain't funny. ^^

**Apparently Indianna Jones is very much like the Highlander. :D


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