Dec 27, 2008 20:30
So my back has been hurting... a lot, and increasing in pain, so last night I went to the Jinja bong (basically a hot tub/sauna/ be naked place)
It was great; very relaxing.
While I was there I saw ppl getting a mini massage, and I thought, wouldn't that be great!
But, I had to work early the next morning, so I thought that the following day (today), after work I would come back as get one of those massages.
Done and done.
Little did I know that this would turn out to be a less than favourable experience!
I finished work, grabbed some food, relaxed and preped a little while I digested and then it was off to the sauna.
Beautiful. Warm/ hot relaxing, of course with the expected stares from the Koreans (oh my goodness, she is really white!)
Then I booked my time with the massage lady. Went back into the sauna and hot tubs and awaited my turn.....yeah. turn came and the lady proceeded to scrub me down with a Korean beauty form of sand paper.
I have had one of those before, so it wasn't a totally shock. They literally scrub off like 5 pounds of dead skin! It is really disgusting to see when they are done, but you feel smoother than a new born baby when they are finished.
THEN... I asked if I could have the mini massage part as well and they said no prob, (all with a nod of the head).
Great, so back down I lay, get hot towels put on me and some cream on my face that smelled like strawberries.
She proceeds to start massaging where I am covered with the towel and continually moves the towel to massage new places.
Next the towel was off and she squirted me down with baby oil. no problem.
the massaging continued and I was almost asleep.
She squirted again, but this time I didn't look and just assumed it was more baby oil.
NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER ASSUME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She rubbed, put more baby oil on, and then rubbed and then squirted more of the "baby oil", or so I thought again.
Then I opened my eyes. That was a mistake.
As she was rubbing and slapping, some of the "baby oil" splashed into my eyes. Didn't hurt therefore didn't care.
At least not until I saw white stuff on my body and wondered what it was.....maybe dead skin?......and then squirt! More of the "baby oil", expect this time I saw that it was WHITE liquid, NOTHING like baby oil.
There WAS baby oil, but there was ALSO something else!
I prayed, fast!!!!
She continued to rub, and I prayed that it would end quickly.
Then she pointed out some spots on my face and stomach and arms, and legs and back,....and then I felt it!
I quickly got up, and pointed at the bottle of white liquid, (in Korean) asked if that was milk, to which the lady replied YES!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
To any normal person this would not be cause for concern, maybe just a reason to crave some cookies, but for me, this was disastrous!!!!!
I ran to the shower and scrubbed and washed and scrubbed and washed and then sat in the HOTTEST hot tub in attempts to burn off the milk and then back to my shower where I scrubbed another 3 times with body wash to try and get rid of the horrid substance that was causing my body to turn into the sight of a burn victim.
I dryed quickly, didn't even bother drying the hair and ran to the kimbop house to buy a little snack to eat along with the ton of medicine I was going to have once I returned home.
Now I have home, with Benedryl in me and cream slathered on my body and food waiting to be eaten.
My back DID and still does (a little ) feel better, but unfortunately that is now the least of my problems.
Stupid milk!