So I've decided to become a "Livejournaler" once again. Because, you know, my life is soooo fascinating I must share it with others :)
This past weekend was the perfect capper to a fast paced and exciting month of September. Friday night
Irisheyes617 and I went to Ulana's (2nd and Bainbrdge) to "Porkchops'" show. The whole place was opened up with two upstairs areas and an art show. That place has a lot of potential if someone had the capital to adorn it with flashy decorations and give it tons of good promotion.
There weren't a whole lot of people there and not many booty's were shaking but I had a lot of fun and moved my ass on the dance floor with whomever I could drag out there (usually Fart Wagon!!).
NFitzgibbon metallic paint splattered acetate decorations hung like futuristic stalactites from the warm, wooden ceiling. A youngish woman with grey gloves covering her arms tended the bar. She had bottled blond hair and thick make-up pancaking her face, her name was Perry. She reminded me of the kind of "Take no prisoners" bitch/ meth addict you'd find at a biker bar or goth joint. I liked her immediately. She didn't even mind when I spilled my drink... twice!
I met PC's good friend Kelly finally. That girl seems like the kind of kick-ass, brassy broad I could throw a few back with. I'd like to hang out with her again sometime. When I introduced myself and she recognized me as "The Director" I got the whole, "Oh... OH... I know who YOU are..." thing. Hmmmm... I asked PC about it and he said it was because he told her we slept together but I'm not sure that's the whole truth. I mean, if you acted suprised when meeting every girl that boy has slept with your eyebrows would be permanently arched!! :)
The boys had some "5YP Drama" and PC ended up back at Casa de Banita, drifting off into oblivion and then sleep.
Saturday was one of those lazy days spent in my pj's and finding my place of Zen on the couch. Nicoley, Porkchops and I headed off to The Barbary (Delaware and Frankford) for Dougie's birthday and to see his kick-ass punk band, Stereo Atomico play. We bopped and danced and I decided that I want to be Lisa (their lead singer) when I grow up.
I met some really awesome people I'd like to hang out with again. Doug's roommate, David, my black, gay twin ;). And Kristen, his girlfriend. I'd actually met her twice before but I think she's the kind of person who has to warm up to you and we really hit it off and had fun dancing together.
Sunday was decidedly gender bending... first I was very much a girl and later I became a man! We headed to the Wes Chessa Diner for a brunch buffet and while driving around town for a smoke we ended up partaking a grand Chessa Co. adventure. Basking in the heat of the oven while watching a glass blowing demonstration and then having our taste buds assaulted with the the grossest wine on the east coast (Chadds Ford Winery). Poor Porkchops had to go on this girley excursion while listening to Rachel Yamagata and Tori Amos. And he wasn't even going to get some for it!! :) Later we redeemed ourselves by drinking beer and watching football. I even had to plunge a toilet for "mah woman". I could feel my dick growing larger by the minute!
While it was a great Sunday it did nothing for my new commitment to be more thoughtful and less selfish.
Irisheyes617 was asleep when we left and very pissed when we got back that we did all this without her. Which I completely understand because if they all went off without me I I would have been balled on the floor bawling my eyes out about how "no one likes me". I hope she can forgive me and I am trying to be more thoughtful... sigh... but sometimes I slip.
Okay- I wrote an awful lot about nothing.
Moving on...