Jan 23, 2004 10:22
I'm uber busy, my desk looks like a paper bomb exploded on it. The masses are waiting for their quotes to Aruba or Europe or Alaska. Anyway.... stole this from everyone:
10 Bands You've Seen Live
1- Phish (x a zillion)
2- Fiona Apple )x2)
3- Tori Amos (x2)
4- U2
5- Pj Harvey
6- Bob Dylan
7- Afro Celt Sound System
8- Steppenwolf (ha ha)
9- Simple :)
10- Bad Religon
[09 Things You're Looking Forward To]
1. The Election - getting the worst president this country has ever seen, and puppet to all the truly evil men in this world - out of office. Or killing myself if the all the stupid cows being herded towards the destruction of our country, enviroment, and possibly mankind in general don't wake the fuck up.
2. Going to Jamaica in June
3. Getting a raise
4. Not having to work two jobs anymore.
5. Theatre in the Garden this summer
6. Summer in general, and all the warm nights and good times with great people.
7. Getting into school
8. Going to school
9. Getting my BA, finally
[08 Things You Wear Daily]
1. bra
2. panties
3. clothes, usually :)
4. A little diamond ring (my birthstone)
5. Toenail polish
6. Shoes
7. Deodorant
8. a winning personality ... haha
[07 Things That Annoy You]
1. Bad Drivers
2. Rude and impossible people
3. People who refuse to wake up and close-minded fools
4. Spoiled rich women
5. People who don't care about anything but themselves
6. SUV's
7. The president and his unending stupidity.
[06 Things You Touch Every Day]
1. my keyboard and mouse at work
2. my steering wheel
3. my hair
4. my Bob
5. my dog
6. myself :)
[05 Things You Do Every Day]
1. check e-mail and Friends entry's in the Lj
2. shower
3. work
4. shiver (these days anyway)
5. laugh
[04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With]
2. Regina
3. ALISON, my best friend that deserted me for the south west!
4. Johnny Depp (had to through that in :))
[03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over]
1. Overboard
2. Oceans 11
3. Contact
[02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment]
1. "Hey Ya" - Outkast (fer sure my favorite new song!!!!!)
2. "Wore Me Down" Rachel Yamagata
[01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With]
1. LMAO... Johnny Depp :). No seriously, haven't found them yet!