Title - At First Sight, 3/? (Detente)
Author --
cypanacheRating - PG-13;
Fandom - Traveler
Pairing - Kim/Chambers
Spoilers/Warnings - Up through 1.08 "The Exchange" with modifications
Summary - Series of vignettes centering around the ever so interesting relationship between Kim Doherty and Agent Fred Chambers
Feedback - Its always nice to know if people even still care
Notes - Well, I don't know if people even still care, but these two wouldn't leave me alone, even after the huge reveal about Chambers in the finale, so I've thought and manipulated and finally decided to accept the reveal about Chambers and work it into the fic, but operate in my own universe (b/c I didn't like what was planned for season 2 with regards to him never seeing Doherty again). So there is a little retconning going on . . . I hope its still enjoyable.
Disclaimer -- Someone else's sandbox
Part 1;
Part 2 (
Things change irrevocably on a Tuesday . . . )