
Aug 13, 2009 23:26

Rules make things run smoothly. They are put in place to help, not to hinder. We don't like to 'moderate' the game as that tends to quash creativity, but we DO expect everyone to follow basic role-play rules and common courtesy. If you have any questions about anything - ask the mods, that's what they're for.

  • No godmodding.
  • No twinking.
  • No metagaming.
  • Please post warnings for explicit adult content.
  • Please use character/location tags. They help organize things for everyone.
  • Please respect OOC needs over IC needs.
  • Please use common sense. It helps things run smoothly. If you're not sure if you're using your common sense or if you're unsure about anything, feel free to ping the mods about anything. They don't bite - hard. *g*
  • Canon puncturing (informing another character that he/she/it is from a book or movie or show) is allowed with permission from the mun in question... but please remember that telling someone something like that will have IC consequences for both your pup and the pup in question.
  • For that matter, if you're planning a plot or an action which will seriously affect or limit how another character or a group of other characters will act or perceive, please ask for permission from the muns of the characters in question. For one thing, it's only polite. For another, communication can very often result in even more fantastic play. And for the last... it's better to ask permission than have to apologize or retcon. Really.
  • Be honest with yourself and other muns about what you want and what you're willing to do; false expectations and passive aggressive behavior are unnecessary and unwanted.
  • "Be Excellent to each other" shall be the whole of the law, as it were.
  • The mods reserve the right to refuse an application if they feel that approving the application would be detrimental to the game at large.
  • The mods reserve the right to take action if we find your actions to be harmful to the game at large or specific players. Action goes like this, though the mods also admit that they may prolong this process; you'll never get LESS chances than this, though.
    • Warning.
    • Second warning.
    • Third warning with public notification of said warning.
    • Removal of player from the game.
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