Aug 02, 2007 23:23
hey just a quick post - this damn paying for the internet doesnt allow me much time to write nowadays - oh well the quick of it is ....
started the new job its not to bad it will get better as i learn more about how they do things there way - but i feel that it was a good move to change jobs already i feel that i will be getting more hours and meeting people that are a little more my style ..
other than that no real exciting news i just need to save now and for the next 6 weeks or so before we go for our holiday to tasmania - we are looking at driving around the state for two weeks which i am doing some research on now and it is starting to look exciting
i watched the simpsons its funny - so do i enjoy darwin???? yes and no - sometimes i must be honest the place scares me and then other days i get used to it - its an interesting experience this much i can assure you :)
alright the place is about to shut
hope everyone is well
welcome home girls :)