I had an interesting weekend. Kelli arrived late on Friday night, her flight got in after 10pm so I was already in bed when she and Greg got back from the airport. She changed into her jammies and came in to sit on the edge of my bed to talk. I begged her to rub my feet so she grabbed the lotion and did an excellent job on my feet. Ever since the numbness and tingling started in my hands and feet I've been craving foot rubs. It makes me wish
pawsitive was here because he gives the best foot rubs in the world.
Anyway, by the moring the pain in my hands and feet had increased to the point where it had spread up my arms and past my ankles. I couldn't move very well and my ostomy was leaking and the skin around it was bleeding. At about 6:30am I asked Greg to take me to the hospital. Kelli and Greg and I got to emergency and before too long they had an IV in my arm and had administered some morphine for my pain. After that I didn't really care what happened. Morphine is my best friend. We got out of there around noon with a bottle of 12 morphine pills for me to take home and a fresh dry ostomy site. I felt a million times better.
That night we went for a drive to look at Christmas lights, then I took more morphine so I could get some sleep. It worked very well and I was good til morning. Yesterday during the day I had Greg'g brothers over for a visit. They only stayed a couple of hours but that was more than enough for me. I like them and Kathleen, Greg's older brother's wife is always sweet to me. She brought some of her Christmas baking. But I was tired so I sat in the living room while they played cards for a while. Then we visited for a bit before they left.
Last night was the Survivour finale so Kelli Greg and I watched that until Kelli had to go to the airport for her flight home. She'll be back on Christmas Day so I know I'll see her in a few weeks but she has no idea how great it is to have her here. She somehow manages to hold back all the blackness and depression that I'm facing and helps me get through the days. She has been great, I wish she was closer. I'm so glad she's staying through New Year's and she'll be here for my next chemo treatment on the 27th. She is very comforting.
My father arrived today, he's actually out picking up Swiss Chalet for dinner right now. He's another one that would do anything he could do help me get through all this. The problem is he doesn't know quite what the right thing is. But that's OK, just sitting and talking helps too. Mmmmm, chicken dinner is coming.