Title: Stiles and the Flawless Plan
percygrangerPairing: Scott&Stiles, background Stiles/Derek, Scott/Isaac/Allison, Lydia/Aiden, Danny/Ethan
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Preslash, awkward Scott/Stiles make-outs
Summary: "No matter what anyone else says, Stiles comes up with great plans, okay? Maybe this wasn't one of his best ideas, but it's mutually beneficial. Him and Scott are already bros. Calling each other boyfriends isn't that different, right?" Featuring Scott & Stiles: Epic Bros, overprotective Derek, pretend boyfriends, and awkward pack bonding.
This is the first part in what is planned to be a three part series (at least). Part one is focused on Scott&Stiles; part two will focus on Derek/Stiles; and part three will focus on Scott/Allison/Isaac.
LJ) (
AO3) (
The first four chapters (out of ten) are currently up, and the fic will be posted in its entirety by January 5, the day before season 3B airs. I'll start posting part two soon after that.