SEU (Basically Gonna Repeat Mark In Most Aspects)

Mar 25, 2007 13:07

I can't really think of a word other than that to describe Southeastern University.
I cant describe the things I felt there.
The Atmosphere just everything
Was breathtaking and inspiring.

So to begin
I'll start off with the Alabaster Box concert on Wensday.
These guys in general were just awesome guys (and girl)
The fellowship they had with us and the time out they took to talk to us.
They were such cool guys
They knew how to connect with us.
With everyone. And not just our youth group.
Their music was no phenominal
But I truly believe it was something much higher
As JJ said. We felt together. A great sense of togetherness.
Of fellowship and just a youth family in general.

Me and Kenny and Mark left for SEU
As soon as we arrived I could jus ttell this place was different.
The way it looked
And you could just tell the people attending felt the same things.
First off the campus itself is gorgeous
If you havent I suggest you go to their website and look at some of the photo's
It's totally beautiful.
Totaly renevated dorms,activity centers,class-rooms,chapel,tennis courts
I mean this college just had everything together.
The first night we attended chapel.
And it was THE best worship service msuically
I have ever attended.
The donomination is Assemblies of God / Penecostal
And I cant describe to you in words how awesome it was
They had a choir along with the main singer.
Three keyboardists.
An electric guitarists and acoustic guiatrists
Bassist (6-string)
An awesome drummer.
And you just knew God was moving from the time it started till the time it ended.

That night also was the SoFo music festival with
Among the Thirsty,Pemberly,Between the Trees.
Also Providence was there but they didnt perform.
Needless to say it was a great concert.
A really fun,relaxed atmosphere.
The people who we dormed with were cool guys.
I ended up sleeping in Kenny's room with this kid named Jason
Who was such a champ.

I was anxious to see what it like on Friday with the classes
I attended Pastoral Theology II,Hermenuetics,& Revelation.
Pastoral Theology was great because I got to have a discussion in depth about communion
And the idea of a common chalice.
Then Hermenuetics.
Best class there.
It was excellent.
Ask Mark. Or just read his LJ.
Revelation was more just a meet and greet with the professor.
He seemed like such an awesome teacher.

I feel so led to be there
That I know without a shadow of a doubt this place is the right place to be
And that God is gonna provide a way for me to go there.
I felt like that this place was gonna help me in my christian walk
And that the people around would always be there to lift you up.
Pray that God continues to work in my life
And that he'll provide a way for me to attend
And that he continues to give me a growing spirit.

Also Senior Pics.
Church Today.
Pray for all the people on the missions trip.
God is good.
Yes Yes
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