November is Peace

Nov 04, 2004 22:20

This month is going by real slowly.
A lot of stuff going on, first
bush winning fair and square.
As much as i feel good about that, it makes me feel uncomfortable as well.
Pretty obvious why and if you click on my friends list and read sandy's lj,
you will read a great description of it.

Well a man i knew has fallen and risen to a better place.
He is definitely going to be in my prayers, and so is one of my close friends
that i grew up with.
God bless you bro, I love you, and I'm here for you.

Thinking of loss made me think of someone.
I thought of my brother and how i don't know
what i would do without him. I love him with all my heart.
And occasionally we tell each other that, but i really mean it broey.
I miss you and if anything happened to you I would die inside.

Love is definitely the best feeling we can share with someone else.
ESPECIALLY when the person you love loves you back.

Good news : Jack's update consisted of this

New Star Wars Trailer.
It never fails, once again i got the chills.

In 19 days i will be uber happy!

Today Kitty gave Mark a hug, it was the cutest thing ever.
He spread his arms and everything. Adoreable.

4 Days, 1 hour, 31 minutes till Halo 2!!
Mark, Nicholas, and Travis will be enjoying that night.
As the ads say : Earth will never be the same.

take care all and be safe.

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