there's a "downtown" in my dreams that seems to always be the same downtown, but isn't quite real. when i go there, i know it's a few blocks that way to not-quite-6th street, and a few blocks that way to not really UT campus, and over there is the hotel/office tower that i pulled a heist in in a dream years ago, just around this corner is the fountain i ducked for cover behind when there was a shoot-out between the cops and i don't remember who..
this time i got downtown separately from the people i was going there with, so i was just standing on a corner, watching people walk past me. then
sphinxie appears in front of me and asks why i'm just standing there. i say i occasionally see people i know, but they don't see me, and i don't want to try to force my way through the other people to catch up with them. so she grabs my hand and drags me to a club that's got all dark wood rails and stuff on the face, and inside is kind of small, with a pool table in the back, but i woke up before we went in.
anyway, left me with this weird knowing there was a connectedness of the downtown, like it's a recycled movie set, and then the feeling of just standing there separate from everyone around me, until that one bit of casual contact drags me somewhere else, but then i still didn't go in. and those two things are also related but separate from each other.