Jul 22, 2009 15:27
i think what was bothering me is a feeling of disconnectedness. when high school ended, i didn't stay in contact with anyone. 1 friend from high school was in 1 of my first semester college courses, but we both stopped going to the class at about the same time. i didn't particularly make outside of class friends at college. anyone i knew from the co-op i didn't stay in touch with. i've never made outside of work friends at any jobs, so whenever the jobs ended, so did contact with anyone from the job.
even before i moved to dallas, i'd fallen out of chat a lot since i wasn't able to chat at work and was finding other things to do with my evening time. when i moved to dallas, i lost any tangential contact with chat people from parties or clubbing or whatever. i stayed vaguely aware of it from kerri plus the occasional drop in to chat, but it's a lot of people i don't know at all now. i picked up most old chatters in livejournal when that started, but.. not the same.
so, on facebook, looking through westwood '90, and pearl st co-op... it's all strangers. whether i'm inclined to send them a "hey" message or not, i don't have anything really to say to them, or any reason to think most of them would care if i did say something to them, or even remember me. seeing that some of the people i used to know are at least still connected on facebook, whether they are still in real life or not, kinda pointed up to me the fact that i'm not really connected to.. anyone outside of my current. so i felt a little adrift, i guess.