
Apr 09, 2004 17:29

Well today was the start of the last quarter... and economics started today. (shoot me in the head) but i got a visit from steve and jess today. we went to lunch at chez moi. i love those guys. then i had to come here (work) which wont be so bad this summer (can't wait screamers) speaking of which i'm hanging out with melissa tonight. we're going to see secret window. so far the weekend is starting off great. lets see how the rest of it goes. des works all weekend, so there goes that. i need to work easter sunday too. but luckilly (or not) this is my last weekend working. Alyssa comes back next week which means she'll be taking her days back and i'll only be left with tuesdays. yipppee. (note the sarchasm) i'm going to run now, however, seeing as how i am at work and i should be working. i'll probably put another entry in tonight after the movie for the 2 readers of this pathetic piece of writing. until then, enjoy your day.
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