Surprise soup, etc.

Dec 19, 2008 11:10

Someone was eating Campbell's soup in the lounge at work the other day, and it made me recall one of my mom's specialties when I was a kid: surprise soup.

It sounds fancy, I know. In essence, it's 2-3 cans of random Campbell's soups (usually at least one is tomato-based, one is chicken broth-based) poured together in one big bowl and heated in the microwave. The best were the ones that included alphabet soup.

Man, I could go for some on this snowy day. Did anyone else do this?

Also, I have a new trashy holiday staple: Bacon Cheese crescents. I don't even get this fiddly with the recipe; I just combine the cream cheese, diced frozen onion, milk, grated parmesan and crumbled bacon, pile onto a full crescent and roll. I made them last Thanksgiving and my sister had been asking for them all year, so I made them for her & her boyfriend this Thanksgiving. They went in 2 minutes. I'll be making them again for Christmas.

can of stuff with stuff on top, bacon, vegetables... probably canned, cheese... and lots of it

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