Pot Luck

Feb 07, 2005 12:48

We had a pot luck dinner at church last night as part of a big celebration we do before lent each year.
I did my best to scout out dishes that would merit mention in this forum, and only found one that seemed to distinguish itself as being somewhat trashy.

Macaroni and Cheese with peas and little smokies

I love little smokies so I took a small amount of this, and it was pretty good.

It looked like boxed mac and cheese, but not the standard Kraft, as I think they were elbows, and a bit bigger than the kraft blue box noodles... It would have been better with the the Kraft mac and cheese.

I am a fan of this sort of dish which is the equivalent of ice cream with "Mix-Ins"

Small pieces of ham, very small florets of broccoli are another variation on this that is yummy enough..

Truth be told, (kraft) mac and cheese is so good on it's own that you don't need to add anything to it, although if I make it too soupy (too much milk or not drained well enough), I will throw in some shredded cheddar, and some more butter (if you add cheese you must add butter...) to thicken it up.

Oh, It disgusted me to see how many people now bring Pizza to the pot luck... blasephamy... and in a church no less. this actually ranks above inappropriate relations with animals on the "how to get to hell fast" list...

mac and cheese mix-ins, lil smokies, vegetables... probably canned, cheese... and lots of it

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