Got back from Malaysia/Melbourne on Saturday night..and was up at 4.15am Sunday. Verrry tired, but at least I was in the air-conditioning at work, and not out in 41 degree heat :) Mind you, after Penang, nothing feels hot. Man, did I sweat there!
I also put on several kilos after eating numerous satays, laksas, curry mees, and drinking numerous teh tariks! It was all yum, but I really need to get back to running after all these months. Having lost 10 kilos last year, I've put nearly 6 back on :/
No more travelling now til Christmas, which is good. I know it was my choice, but I was getting sick of all the flying, constantly unpacking and repacking my backpack, moving hotels etc.
Links to some more of my travel posts: Have my works Christmas do this Friday night - conveniently at Amazon Steakhouse on King St! So may well be hitting the Townie's been a good few weeks for me.