I've just got back from george's, he's coming round later though to watch donnie darko, finally. Everyone keeps saying that film is suppose to be really good, if it's not i'm gonna spit on all ya breakfast.
I'm forcing myself to drink coffee so i can get used to it so i can go to work and not get so tired quickly. But if i just go straight into drinking coffee i get dizzy and feel like i've just bombed a gram of speed. Yeh, i'm a pussy.
George persuaded me to have a shower yesterday, but i had to have the bouncing squige yo-yo ball i like that he stole from Guttermouth's bag, to distract me from the horribleness of getting wet while standing up, uuurg. I got soap and water in my eyes and pressed my bum against the sides, it was awful. And george wanted his balls sucked, ha! I would have bitten them off the time i was having in there.
I'm a bath lady.
There was a nice conductor on the train today, he said i couldn't use my railcard on the train, which normally would mean me reciting a list of swear words at his direction and getting thrown off the train, but instead he gave me a child!! Which is 30p cheaper than the discount i'd have got on my railcard had i been able to use it :D Nice man. Unlike the vole bastard who i told to suck my dick.
Going to the
lazy fuck weekend tomorrow, me and george will have to go down early though coz he needs to help bronco set up. I get bored of sound checks. I remember when i had to sit through Breed77's 45 minute sound check, no joke, stupid fucks.
My aunty jo sent me over a big bag of clothes yesterday, i've got a nice leopard print dress, but it's a bit short so george will have to be the shoelace monitor for me.
uurg, shoes.
Age: 18
Distinguishing features: umm... dirty looks and big lips
Favourite feature: my lips
Worst feature: my thighs
Strangest quality: ...that i giggle lots at the word 'jew'...?!
The Sexy Part (dont be smart, these are all sexually related questions) -
Who's bits would you like to rub and know you never will: umm... no ones really... apart from george, but i can have him.
Favourite sexual position: doggy
What turns you on: teasing, arms/shoulders
What stuff interests you, but you're not sure if you would try: serious bondage
What would you like to try: toys
What have you tried and realised you dont really like: ice cubes
What is off-limits: shitting on someone. lovely.
Can you orgasm easily? no
Can you bring yourself to orgasm by yourself easily? not anymore
Have you ever hurt yourself during sex? Well yes, big dongs headbutting my cervix isn't too pleasurable.
Have you ever cried during sex? yes
Are you straight/bisexual or homosexual? straight i'd say
If you have had sex with the opposite sex, which do you prefer? boys
Do you like to be teased? yes, but only sexually, any other form of teasing ends in fists flying i'm afraid
Have you ever swallowed spunk? yes
Do you like your boobs being touched? I used to, but i get weird about it now coz they've been sucked too hard now, and they've become over sensative
What's sexier? Thong or knickers? knickers
...skirt or dress? er neither..
...push up bra or no bra? no bra
Do you enjoy giving oral sex?
What part of your body do you like being touched the most (aprt from your genitals)?
What's sexier? Boxers or pants?
...messy hair or neat hair?
...a girl or a woman?
And finally, do you ever think about becoming celebate? never