Jun 13, 2009 14:38
That's completely cool and sweet that you managed to work up enough courage -after God only knows how much Jeger- to call and leave a message on my phone at two thirty in the morning. But let me inform you of something. sweetheart. That isn't how it was, is, or ever will be. I am not one to follow orders. Especially those made by little children. Anything that I do is no longer any of your business, turns out. You have been banned from my life once and for all. Go. Steal my boyfriend's friends. Pretend they like you. (for now) (((Ohh Ashley that was unfair. You cannot speak for them! They have their own minds. Although they will eventually figure out she's a giant flaming smelly turd. It's aight. Let them on their own))) Go back to your disgusting old friends who are, once you think about it, as immature and fucked up as you are. Mooch off of the world and all of them like you once did with me. Yearn for affection and attention in all the wrong ways then complain about it once received. Play the "poor me" card until everyone gets so. fckng. SICK of it, they all leave you. Just like I did. Until they get so sick and tired of your obnoxious, irritating lifestyle and ways, they all leave you. Just like I did.
You don't have your own personality. Just a combination of those you've envied in the past. You are a personality thief. Nothing is ever enough for you. All those around you aren't allowed to be happy unless you are slightly more happy than you are. You area disgusting, filthy creature with far more issues than you really think. You didn't try to kill yourself. You wanted him to notice you. To come save you. And now you parents are paying for that. No.. quite literally. Your ambulance. They're paying for it.
I've had enough. I am done. 100% this time. You were right, Sisi.
Peace out.
If I were to go after you for all of the money you owe me or all of the things I've bought you over the past five years or so, you'd be in debt up the freakin' ass hole. More so than your irresponsible ass is now. So no. The things purchased for me, by you from benefit will not be repaid. I think we can call it about square.