App (Demeleier)

Jun 07, 2011 21:32

Player Name: Laurence or Loren for short

Player LJ: iforgotmyyname

Contact: AIM: Shinjiro Castor, PLURK: Failjiro (much more likely to be found there)

Character Number: Very 1st character here ever

Character: Rubi (short for 'Rubbish')

Fandom: Eikou No Te


Rubi is an enigmatic puzzle. On one hand, he's kind, protective, and gentle. On the other, he's a callous killer and at times eerily sadistic. He can murder without blinking twice...or risk himself and his life to rescue someone. In fact, he's done both within moments of each other.

He can show an open sort of friendliness--the kind of frank, curious nature you'd expect from a child. For instance, he has no qualms about walking up to a stranger and kissing their hand, if he is so inclined. He shows no shame, and doesn't seem to understand it (along with other reticent emotions.)

His 'protective' nature is also straightforward and simple, though elegant. If he decides someone is worthy to be guarded by him, he will risk everything for them. Their enemies are his enemies. If his chosen person despises him or even attacks him, he still won't falter. He is their shield and sword--or in his case, scythe. He'll do anything that person needs in a dangerous conflict. He may decide to protect others, but this is by no means guaranteed. He seems to find purity in the act of protection, though he is far from a pure creature himself.

This also includes killing--not just of enemies, but of anyone who happens to be in the way. If the person's death can serve the situation, he'll do them in without blinking. For instance, he killed a child to seal a demonic portal. Of course, the child turned out to be a shape changed version of someone else--but he didn't know that when he decided to hack their head off.

The 'child' was also the younger brother of Masumi, the person he had decided to protect. Yet, he seemed puzzled when Masumi was enraged over the death. It didn't occur to him that killing his charge's brother in front of him would upset him at all. Certain human connections and emotions fly right over his head-- making him a very dangerous person, even if his intentions are kind ones.

If he is without shame, he definitely suffers from guilt. The souls of the dead cling to his aura--those he was unable to keep safe, or even those he 'needed' to murder. For them, he swore an oath to protect the ones he could, even if it went against God's will. This doesn't keep him from turning a battlefield into a bloodbath. He just sees it as the only kind of redemption he can have, considering what he is. He doesn't truly understand his own remorse, but he still acts on it.

There is also an eerie sadistic side to him. It mostly surfaces in the heat of battle, and one can see him taking deep enjoyment in harming his enemies. It doesn't always fade off the moment the battle is over, either. It seems subconscious more than anything...a pleasure in conflict that is part of who he is.

Apart from his purpose, he's somewhat of a lost soul. He doesn't have a 'home,' really, tends to sleep on rooftops, and doesn't seem to care if he's mortally injured. He's not very good at living. Though he needs to eat, breathe, and sleep like humans, he's awful at taking care of himself in general.

He's also got a deep seated pain over what he is. When he introduces himself as 'rubbish,' he doesn't seem happy about it. When one of his enemies calls him 'puppet,' he proceeds to smile and then go ragingly berserk on him.

History: Alas, Eikou no Te is an obscure fandom. But I will write out a history and link the manga itself:

Manga itself:

Written history:

Long ago, organic angels decided they could no longer depart from Heaven to care for matters on Earth. There was still a need for guardians, soldiers, and all other manner of enforcing God's will. Therefore, new creatures were created to carry this out.

Rubbish is an artificial Angel, also called a Golem, or Iron Golem. He began life as a pile of scrap metal. Life and magic were infused into these, creating a human (or angelic) looking creature. Though he was cold to the touch like metal, he otherwise looked organic and versatile. He was one of many such creations. He did have a main 'other,' a partner in his missions, called Elle. She often found herself looking after Rubbish, considering that he couldn't do that himself.

For several hundred years, Rubbish acted as a Reaper or Protector when needed. He killed and saved many souls in the name of the Lord. As the souls of the dead built up behind him, remorse began to grow in Rubi's heart. He regretted, if not the calm carnage, the waste of the souls within the flesh.

Rubbish and Elle were assigned to observe the 10th Tribe. These cultists had accessed a demon portal to gain immortal souls. Afterward they became obsessed with gaining the 'key' to Heaven's gate. Children were born among them, special ones with 'stigmata' bleeding on parts of their bodies. The 10th Tribe trained these young ones to one day ascend the steps to unlock Heaven's gate. Thus, all their immortal souls would be saved.

One of them, Elia, had four separate Stigmata marks appear on his body. Heaven assigned Rubbish to appear before this young boy and gain his trust. He was to offer protection and care to the young one, despite the 10th Tribe's teachings about the Golems. Indeed, the young boy looked up to and loved his angel protector.

Then, the promised day arrived. Elia ascended the steps to the gate--and Rubbish appeared before him, and--as ordered--killed his beloved charge. He cleaved him in half. Spattered with his blood, Rubi felt deep sorrow for the loss of Elia. Not only had he killed; he'd killed someone he'd promised to protect. From then on, he decided to protect the ones he could, even if it went against God's will.

About ten years later, another 'chosen one' awakened. Rubi approached the young man immediately and offered his fealty and protection-- much to the awkward Masumi's chagrin. He didn't understand or trust this strange man.

Masumi had need of him, however. Demonic forces and dubious allies kept appearing. Each time the young man encountered danger, Rubbish appeared to defend him with all his ferocity. Masumi didn't know what to make of him. Matters worsened when Rubi killed Yuki, Masumi's younger brother. He was convinced that the Golem was an enemy, not a friend.

The next time Rubbish saved him, Masumi used his powers to shoot him down. They both fell from the sky--and the angel shielded the human from the fall, despite his attack. Soon after they realized that Yuki was still alive. The other 'Yuki' had been a fake. Rubi was on the verge of death himself, but Elle sacrificed her 'core,' or soul, to heal him.

Thus, Masumi and Rubbish entered their final battle against the 10th Tribe. Masumi was almost made to kill his own brother--at which point, he asked Rubbish to sever his left hand (which bore the Stigmata.) His obedient protector did so. Afterward, he was able to heal him and they were both victorious over the 10th Tribe and other enemies. However---Yuki disappeared, was sent to another realm at the end of the battle. From there, Rubbish and Masumi left to try to find him.

Timeline: Mid Chapter 8. Just after Elle offers her core and disappears.

Abilities: Rubi can fly, use his Big Damn Scythe to rip apart his enemies, and use demonic and heavenly spells (though he rarely does.) He prefers a direct battle to a power fight. He can (if slowly) heal his own wounds using his 'core,' or power source. As Rubi is not organic, it's difficult to wound him with physical attacks, and far easier to hurt him using energy or power based attacks.

Link to an image of the character: (for hair/eye colors. His eyes shift from red to gold sometimes, and his skin from pale to a metallic blue-ish tint.)

Sample writing:

Rubbish knelt in a shadow-drenched park at midnight. Slowly, he ran a magicked cloth over the curvature of his scythe. Rhythmic, familiar motions, a comfort centuries old. He frowned as he did it. The cloth was wiping away the blood of a child. Yuki. Masumi's young brother. His death had been necessary to close the gate. Masumi wished the gate closed, and so. Rubi had spilled the child's blood as needed.

He hadn't understood the seething emotions in Masumi's eyes. Grief, rage--directed at him, but why? Since he couldn't understand, he fled at least for now. Here he would dwell in confusion for a few hours and quietly ready himself for the morning.

Death... this blade had claimed many lives. He felt them gathering faintly behind him, like a storm. Yet he was created to do so. He would do so. But, he would let no one claim Masumi's life, not unless his charge himself wished it.

Suddenly there was a cry, and a whirring sound behind him. He turned to see a demonic blob floating, tendrils extended to catch a solitary woman wanderer. This was none of his affair really. He watched with calm, but the demon's presence bothered him. He would not sleep with it here.

He rose up to his full winged height and drew the scythe. He advanced, and couldn't help a curving smirk as he faced down the creature. Even though he would need to clean the blade again--
--he swept once, twice, obliterating his target into miasma--

The woman's face trembled at him, her eyes wide. He stared into hers calmly and even smiled. So much fear in these humans. He did not speak, but stood, covered (just as she was) in the putrid liquid of the vanquished demon. Several heartbeats later she turned and ran. Not soundlessly, but crashing through the trees.

Rubi sighed and drifted over to the nearby fountain. He lay on the concrete next to it (but didn't think to wash himself in its waters.) He stared up into the sky, pensively. Would he see that look of fear in Masumi now, as well?

Sample journal entry:

[A strange creature wanders through the new place--golden eyed, curious. With a friendly smile he surveys the odd surroundings.

It makes him feel strangely...]

This isn't Heaven, or Earth. Have I lost consciousness again...? Or, is this a trick of my enemies.
Come out and I'll kill you quickly.

[No emphasis on that last part and his smile doesn't shift one iota.]

No...? If that's okay, I'll look for you then. You're keeping me from something important.

[He'll be creepily gently poking at things and surveying the new place he's found himself in.]
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