~2~ Steady darkness within (Dream)

Jul 23, 2011 12:45

Trigger warnings: Violence, trauma, blood/gore in the description and possibly more in the comments. Written prose-style but action tags are good too! Totally open to anyone. More OOC notes about the dream at the bottom. Also, going to work now so more tags after that.

Rubi soared ahead in the almost-darkness. A comet burned above him like a false moon, flying parallel with him. Below, broken castles scattered across the ground, their stone split open to reveal dark pits, while the comet-light barely illuminated the stone. Nothing bright or human obstructed his path. Rubi's hands shook as he flew. He was afraid--

But he wasn't, he hadn't been, not until after...and Elle (his fighting partner) was with him, wasn't she? Confusing thoughts...

--and angry, and he felt a strange grief that was also failure. For he was flying this night to kill his most important person. He must. As a gatekeeper, he had no other choice than to destroy Elia. All because the tenth tribe would use the boy and his power to access Heaven's Gate. That tribe had sold themselves to demons to obtain immortal souls. Now they could only access Heaven by using their special children as pawns.

Part 1

As Rubi touched down in front of a looming, cracked-in half tower, a group of people awaited him. Six of them, men and women, all dressed in black with dark hats and confident grins. Warriors of his enemies, the Tenth Tribe.

Two of them immediately began summoning a demon (a twisted inhuman creature with blobs for limbs,) while another had a holy spell halfway on her lips. So, somehow, these people had been prepared for him. Perhaps Elia had told them.

...But this didn't happen, no. No one had prevented him access to Elia and his ritual. He had simply gone there.

The dream, of course, was rewriting his experience. This part was wish fulfillment. If only he could have killed those who deserved it, who wished to fight him, instead of just someone he loved...

He felt the terrible fear again, but also rage. Now his eyes glittered like crimson stones. An enormous scythe appeared by way of magic into his hands. His face twisted into a maniac grin. No. No, he would not regret spilling all the blood in these people. He would paint the broken ground with it.

Instead of going for the demon first, Rubi rushed the Tenth Tribe woman and split her open from throat to groin. Blood spattered him-- and now the battle was truly joined. The warriors fought desperately with magic and demons, but slowly he would win. They were no match for him. Yet he knew even the insanity of this battle, and his excitement for it, would not make the next part any easier. That didn't stop him from cruelly dispatching them one by one. The Tribe made difficult opponents, but none of these carried a true weapon--and he could match their skill in spells.

Part 2

That finished, Rubi flew soundlessly into the heart of the castle. He knew his destination--a high, vaulted room, with holy and demonic circles painted into the very floors. He did not hesitate for a moment--yet his body shook enough to make the scythe in his hand vibrate. Fear and pain, worse than. Than what? Even as the dream drew upon and twisted his own memories, it confused him. Yet he went on.

And burst into the room. Just as he expected, a young, dark skinned boy (of about ten or eleven years old,) stood on a raised dias. A wavering, insanely bright portal stood in front of the child. Even Rubi could see it clearly. Heaven's gate. Elia was using his special power, his three stigma, to break open the sacred seals into the realm.

Of course, the child was only smiling as he did it. He thought he was doing something wonderful and important.

If Rubi could do this before Elia saw or knew... He stood still for a moment longer. It was as if his terror wouldn't release him.

And then he rushed forward with scythe outstretched to split Elia in half, just as he had the woman earlier. He was desperate to be quick, so the child wouldn't know or suffer, or feel any fear. This person he had promised to protect and care for--who he'd been friends with secretly for years--this was the last thing he could do for him.

Then he struck and sliced him apart (the portal vanished at the same moment.) The boy's eyes widened just moments before his body was destroyed, and he let out a cry--

--then it was done. Rubi stared at the ruins of the child in agony. It felt as though he'd cut his own heart out. And in this dream, he didn't have Elle to tell him he'd had no choice as an Angel, or a Gatekeeper. Nor did anyone come running, forcing him to flee quickly. He could only stare, shaking in pain and grief, at the silence and the body there.

((ooc: Your character can show up during the fight in part 1 or after/at the moment of the killing in part 2. In part 1 they can look like a 10th tribe person but if they do, Rubi will try to kill them unless they can somehow convince him of who they are. Or they can just look like themselves and it's a wild card as to what Rubi will do then. Same goes for part 2, though if you want to do anything special or appear as something else, just pm me! Say 1 or 2 when ya post so I know. The links are to pictures in the manga of this scenario happening (sort of, since the dream is a distortion of the real events.) Just for reference and such.))

#event--nightmare, elia, the darker side, guardian of the gates

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