America--Still Fucked

Nov 05, 2008 08:43

Well, Obama won by like a bajillion electoral votes.  Hooray.  He even won the state of Indiana.  So now when I tell people where I was raised, I won't have to add that I lived right outside of Chicago.  But I'll still add that, because it's a fucking hick state.

As excited as I sort of am, and as awesome as his speech was, I think people expecting anything drastic are in for a huge disappointment.

And for fuck's sake people, can we get over the whole "first black president" thing?  I mean, it's nice to think that we've progressed as a nation, but out of the states that were in the Confederacy, he's only won Virginia, and only because of the suburbs of Washington D.C.

And it's not like we elected Shaft.  And, while I'm on the subject of black people we never elected as president, fuck you Jesse Jackson, for holding hands with people in Grant Park and singing "We have overcome!"  You fucking moron, it's because of you that other black politicians have to work so hard to get whitey to trust them, you divisive, Admiral Akbar-looking motherfucker.

As “progressive” as I'd like to feel on a day when the Democrats took back the night, Proposition 8 is going to pass.  That will add an amendment to the California constitution making gay marriage illegal.

So congratulations to the U.S. of A on our superficial progress.  Now let’s all ditch religion, get over ourselves and make this place suck a little less for everyone.

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