im back.. im not dead.

Apr 29, 2004 00:18

Holy shyt how long has it been since i have last blogged in here. uhm AGES lol. well lets see to cetch you all up to speed heres whats been gowen on latly.

iv been hanign otu with my friends a lot latly, i love ieng out of hte house and aroudn them. it helps keep my mind off of jeff and other problems in my life. i swear idk what i would do without my bestfreinds all aorund me. Well my bestfriend sarah is moving to an apartment nxt month. and it really may not b anywhere near me anymore. thats guna kill me like no other. shes lived a block away form me my entire life and itsguan change everything. idont want anythign to change *sighs. thats life though rite? as she says, we have to deal with it.

well iv been going out with my bestfriend JON for over a month known. hes the sweetest ever and for are one month he gave me a sterling silver braclet that says 'love'. its the most pretty thing on the face of this earth. plus it seems things are goin pretty well with him and i at the moment. things are a lil weird since we didnt talk for 4 days but hey im sure its all guna b ok in a few more days.

hmm well things dealing with my emotions are rocky. i tend to find myself faking to b happy all the time. i mean idk, im always thinking. yeah i have my days where im happy as ever and dont have to fake a single smile. while other days im sitting there faking ever last laugh. i duno, i misss how things used to b in so many areas of my life. i cant change them back though, so what else can i do but live with it? nothing. i hate everythign rite now nearly. the only thging in pretty much happy with is jon and i. god does life suck.

schoosl out in 4 more weeks - May 28th. Taht means exmas are coming up ahh the horror. thats guna bite so darn bad. but at least theres a good thing bout school. we have a cute new kid thats a freshman, his names tim. hes pretty kewl as far as iv noticed. i talk to him every now and than and wow does he remidn me of one of my ex bfs lol. i wont say what one but he really does.

er well better go take care my loves.. hope u enjoyed the catchup haha. it was just a rambling mess. oh well. *kisses*
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