Heaven's Magic - Watch Out For 666 [USA, Synthpop/Christian Cult Propaganda] (1990)

Sep 05, 2022 20:35

Песенка про чипирование из 1990-го

"This video and song was a part of very odd, and strangely enticing video album called 20 Minutes To Go. They released another video in 1994 called S.O.S.

Both are collection of music videos put out by the Christian Cult called The Family/Children of God/The Family International. Themes range from the Rapture, the New World Order, anti-technology, heaven, jesus and familial love.

Some cool synth work and accompanyment on these tracks. I think there's some kind of drum machine in there, too.

While they made some neat music and some interesting videos, they also are a really horrible group (sex/rape/child molestation stuff).

I was doing some research on them, and found this site http://www.exfamily.org/sitemap_hierarchical.shtml to be very informative.

They put out two collections of music videos. Both are worth watching."

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Watch out for 666!
Watch out for 666!
In a vision of the future
I saw in a vivid dream
That the hour is incoming
When men will become machines
A new One World Order
Will rise and then demand
That all the World's people
Receive their scientific brand
I saw a tiny preprogrammed
Computer chip so thin
Implanted in men's foreheads
Underneath their skin
Linking all its bearers
To the System's Central Brain
The Master Computer
That over them will reign
Watch out for 666
And their Computer Chip
That is designed to strip
You of your self-control
Don't sell your soul
Men's thoughts will be programmed
By this new technology
Those who take the number
Their slaves will always be
So hearken to this warning
If it's life and Love you choose
Then you'll follow the Truth
And that mark you will refuse!
Watch out for 666
And their computer chip
That is designed to strip
You of your self-control
Watch out for 666
And their computer chip
That is designed to strip
You of your self-control
Don't sell your soul
Don't sell your soul
Watch out for 666!
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