Sep 03, 2011 18:58
After a week of filling out applications with their stupid automated questionaires about whether you can work in a team and being a team player and teamwork and yadda yadda yadda... After a week of that, I found this absolutely hysterical - keep in mind that this was part of the Q & A on the website of an adult toy company:
Q: Am I using my product safely?
A: We always say safety first. Then
Wonder what everyone will think of me snickering madly every time I go to answer a teamwork question on those tests from now on. At least remembering this will brighten my day amongst the endless activity of filling out applications.
Been a while I know. But I'm finally moved and settling in - still have a lot of stuff to unpack. And a lot of Anida's stuff that I then have to repack and store until she can get the stuff - either through me going to visit her or her visiting me. That said, I'm hoping to be on more often - I'm going to try and get back into the habit of reading my f-list daily and posting to my own account at least once a week. Our writing may take a bit longer though - with her being in college and me working two jobs (once I finally *get* a second job), we just don't have a lot of free time. And free time that we both have free is almost non-existent. We're trying though. Maybe life will give us a break some time soon.