Link roundup, part 2

Mar 18, 2010 14:20

seperis talks about the sketchy stuff Apple's up to. I don't like thinking that the natural evolution of advertising is for it to get MORE annoying :(

effex wrote great posts called So You Want to Ship Some Women?: Part 1 and Part 2.

katta had a great guessing game going on (part 2, part 3) where she took names of TV shows that had been translated into Swedish and then literally translated them back to English, leaving people to guess what the original title was. I think "Murder and no songs" is my favorite.

alessandriana recs a an interesting blog here that could be a good reference resource for writers.

elke_tanzer made an incredibly epic and really comprehensive Follow Friday that covers a ton of comms.

damned_colonial's three part Age of Sail Fandom guide is truly a feat of organizational beauty. *_*

There's a table read of the last and unfilmed episode of Middleman at YouTube. I have yet to watch this, alas, though I'm also kinda hoping a transcript will pop up somewhere.

Is it a Fuck Yeah?: Have you ever wondered if that thing you love the most already has a "fuck yeah" account on Tumblr? Search to find out!

Find your LJ friends on DW.

I don't know what this is, but I LOVE it.


Some fic people wrote me:

mithen wrote me a gorgeous Rachel Dawes drabble called Autumn Leaves. So delicate and yes. Rachel. ♥

rhea-carlysse wrote me a whole bunch of delicious Rhodey/Tony snippets, nom nom nom.

For the Threshold ficathon:
havocthecat wrote me Foothold, a Threshold/Stargate crossover that features lots of awesome women and a great fusion of the two universes, and Evolution, a lovely Rachel drabble that captures so much of what I love about her.

purimgifts: Courtesy Call, Obvious Suspect, and Five Weeks by jain. They're all really lovely and have the wonderful mix of banter and silliness that I love from the show, and I have to rec the last fic in particular, because it has Abigail/Juliet that is SO SPOT ON (I could hear their voices so well), and features Juliet beating up a punching bag, unf.

For help_haiti: exoticrooftile wrote me two great Primeval ficlets and chanter_greenie wrote me an gorgeous, thoughtful character study of Ziyal from Deep Space Nine.


In other news, cripes, it is hot today. Spring, I see your rearing your warm little head over there, and I am certainly glad for it. Though not so glad I wore the heavy corduroy today. (Aside: is that really how corduroy's spelled? It looks so strange; it took me four tries to get my spellchecker to stop doing the little red line underneath.)

And off to American Canyon. Oh, job, you always send me to cities I would never otherwise visit.

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=star trek, i got fic, =batman (nolanverse), =psych, =the middleman, language, -recs, =psych: recs, =threshold, -linkination, =star trek: deep space nine

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