Threshold: 1x13 review + picspam + quotes

Feb 03, 2010 19:23

JT in glasses, oooh.

Infectees have an innate sense of how to spread infection -- unprotected sex, sharing infected food.

"Sir, put down the spoon." Hahaha, so they don't try for a more subtle approach when they go into someone's workplace? Seriously, if they go all around DC zapping every infectee they find at their jobs, people are going to start freaking out a little.

2 1/2 month pregnancy. Nigel's needles couldn't permeate Libby's amniotic sac. Titanium crib and high chair. 2 formulas patterned after breast milk, one with five times the protein.


Lucas: Hey, you want kids someday, Dr. Caffrey?
Molly: [smiles] If you'd asked me three months ago, I'd tell you I was gonna have three children by the time I was thirty-nine, preferably both sexes represented.
Arthur: And now?
Molly: Now I've boiled all personal plans down to one simple concept -- just make it through the week.

Arthur: My twin sister had three kids before we reached nineteen.

Allenville -- latitude: 36.62 N, longitude, 8IJ5 W or 81J5 W.

Dr. Bolton would have Lucas' job is he weren't retired. (Wait, why would that stop them? I can't see why Threshold would have any qualms about yanking someone out of retirement.)

Hahaha, I like the deadpan way Sean says "dear."

Yes, Sean, I would also look that happy if Molly put a ring on my finger.

Dude, this woman has never heard of, I don't know, *burying* people instead of shredding them up into little bloody bits? Then again, it's sort of darkly comic. *g* But I don't know why they think it'll look like an accident when she still has their bullet holes in her? (Then again, I guess those'll heal up pretty quickly. But iirc stun shells don't usually kill infectees, and getting an arm cut off shouldn't, either.)

Hahahaha, I love this entire diner scene. Sean's fake smile as he's saying, "shit, we're totally fucked, aren't we?" Yes, Sean, yes you are!

Of course Sean finishes his. :p Uuuugh, that is so gross.

Funny that I ship these two more in caps than I do when they're in action. Cuties.

Full name James Hayes.

Libby: If anything happens to my baby, I will rip every limb off your puny body.
Nigel: Interestingly, that's exactly what my second wife said the day our son was born.

Sean: No, don't. I'm hunting him as aggressively as I am any other alien.
Molly: It didn't cross my mind you wouldn't.

Sean :(

Okay, the other issue with this episode is -- don't they have a picture of Molly circulating out and about through the infectee community? Well, okay, maybe not, because it doesn't seem like Manning is connected to this enterprise specifically, but on the other hand, Hayes would probably want everyone to be able to recognize Threshold agents, and he'd *definitely* have pictures of Sean.

Sean: Now I look like a rageaholic.
Molly: Better than a human.

Molly: Guess not. If the aliens wanna built it, we wanna destroy it.
Sean: And I'm really good at destroying things.
Molly: That's why I married you.

Arthur: I can't see anything.
Lucas: It's not a ballgame.

The S&M lab? What does that stand for?

Arthur: I suppose I'm gonna have to hide all my porn.

Haaaa, I so love when Arthur and Lucas have to handle emergency situations.

Arthur: That's right, break him, then we're really dead.
Lucas: Nice going, Dr. Spock.

Lucas: She's gonna hear him. You're the pro, make him stop.
Arthur: You ever ride on an airplane? No one can stop a baby from crying.

Lucas: We're in luck, I have my PDA.
Arthur: What, are you gonna text message God for help?
Lucas: No, smartass, I'm hacking into our PA system. Here, put this on his chest. [sound starts echoing through building] This'll throw her off.

Arthur: And really piss her off. Let's go.
Lucas: What are you doing, this won't work in a lockdown.
Arthur: Patience, Padawan.
Lucas: Dude.
[slips into elevator just as doors close]
Arthur: Rock and roll.
Lucas: How'd you do that?

Arthur: Years of dating women who couldn't wait.
Lucas: Hey, watch your mouth.

Lucas: Hey, he stopped. I think he likes me.

Lucas: So. What do you think's gonna happen to this poor little guy?
Arthur: Hey, man, he's human, he's home free.
Lucas: Not exactly.
I mean, all of our preparations were for the worst, but now he's just an ordinary orphan. What's in store for him?
Arthur: Well, knowing Caffrey, she's probably got about ten perfect parents lined up and vetted for him. He's gonna be lot better off than some of us. He just won't know who his real parents are.
Lucas: Just? That's a bit thing not to know.
Arthur: Says who?
Lucas: Me.
Arthur: You adopted?
Lucas: That's my Oprah.

This is my favorite cap of Sean, period.

Um, the subtlety of stealing propane tanks isn't so subtle if your car doesn't have a trunk lid. *g*

Uncle JT. <3

Oh, Sean, that flirting was about as subtle as an exploding propane tank.

Sean: Jimmy. We wanna help you.

Hee, Arthur walking around in one shoe. This amuses me a lot for no good reason.

Arthur: Alien in the ready room! Alien in the ready room!

Nigel: Get off me, I'm trying to save you!

Nigel: Never shot a patient before.
Lucas: You just stunned her. She'll be fine.
Nigel: [notices Lucas' bloody nose] What, what's that?
Lucas: What? Oh. It's nothing. I ran into a wall. She was gonna kill me.
Nigel: We took her child. I don't blame her.

AHAHAHA THAT LITTLE "OW" WAS FROM WHEN LUCAS RAN INTO A WALL. I love that he thought turning out the lights was a good idea.

Sean: My job is to protect you.

Well-played, Officer, well-played.

Molly: We're gone for one day and you guys trash the place?

Breast milk acts as a trojan horse, getting the enzyme into a baby's system and infecting. They were trying to attract another probe with the signal, 200 meters above Washington, DC.

Hugging JT. <3

Molly: I'm just getting started.

Of course I wish this show had gone on longer, but I think this was a good conclusionary note. I choose not to accept the implication that Molly's going to be dead when the plan succeeds because I can't the thought of Molly dying. Heroic or not DO NOT WANT. There seem to be so many holes in Molly and Sean being able to pass in this town, but I can roll with it because anything that results in the option of this team going undercover I am a-okay with. I'm glad we got more tidbits on Arthur and Lucas' history and I'm really bummed we never got to meet any of their families, really. (I have been pondering who'd I want to cast for Molly's mom, particularly.) I also love the last line Molly says; that's so incredibly her and, just, yeah. ♥ OH, SHOW, WOULD THAT WE HAD LONGER TOGETHER.

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review: television, review, =threshold, picspam: caps/promos/etc., -transcripts, picspam

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