Threshold: 1x06 review + picspam + quotes

Jan 17, 2010 15:30

And here continues my question of... how can this alien signal possibly be so strong on human technology? IE, the camcorder, the laptop, the stereos she's playing it on. I guess I can't quite wrap my head around that, because unless you're using the most advanced stuff out there, there's going to be quality loss, isn't there?

Then again, I guess the whole implication is that even with tons of quality loss the signal still has a lot of power. But to break glass? Really?

Ahahaha, Nigel's totally turning into a grouchy bear.

Sheesh, average an hour a night? Yeah, I'd be a grouchy bear after that, too. I think Molly's going to have to start stepping in soon, because she's well-aware that her people are no good to her sleep-deprived. (Though she of course seems to ignore that when it comes to herself.)

Nigel: What, we're DEA now? What next, Canadian Mounties?

Lucas: Did you have to use my driver's license photo? It's not my favorite--

Sean: Go.

Oh, Nigel. Your face.

Novak and Jenklo haven't said a word since they were captured.

The Threshold building is eight blocks from the White House.

JT: You can't save these people, Caffrey.
Molly: Is that what you think I'm trying to do?
JT: I think this is more personal than you're letting on. A part of you believes they're still human, that you can bring them back. I've heard you say it, I've seen the look in your eyes when you talk to them. Now they may appear human--
Molly: I appreciate your opinion. But no one is beyond redemption.

Lucas: I don't think the police are buying Cavennaugh's cover story.
Arthur: I wonder what would happen if one of those flat-foots tried contacting the DEA to see if one of us actually worked there.
Lucas: They'd be transferred to an operator in the Special Ops division, who's actually stationed on the third floor of Threshold.
Arthur: Caffrey's protocols?
Lucas: Yeah, you really oughta start reading 'em.

Sean: Well, hurry it up.
Arthur: Do you know anybody else who can crack a 128-bit cypher key in under a minute? Hire him.
Sean: [to Lucas] Shouldn't you be doing this? You're the engineer.
Lucas: I'm hardware. He's software.

Oh, man, how much do I LOVE this description of Arthur&Lucas? THISMUCH. It's funny 'cause it's true.

Molly, Lucas and Sean's levels of theta wave activity are at a "slightly higher amplitude" than the Miami raver people.

Apparently ecstasy does not agree with the signal (the larger assumption being that all drugs = don't agree with signal). Signal boosts serotonin production to levels that are dangerously high when combined with a drug doing the same thing, it seems?

Nigel: ...Very bad trip.

Hahahaha, Nigel is *totally* speaking from experience, here.

What the DJ plays is a third-generation copy.

Mmmmmm, peanut butter. Crap, now I want a candy bar.

Wow, why did they zoom in on that stunt double's face? It's so obviously not the same actor.

Arthur: It's a handy little algorithm. I used it once on a girlfriend's computer, dug up some e-mails she deleted. Caught her cheating.
Lucas: That's invasion of privacy.
Arthur: You want some marital advice, my little friend? Try using my favorite equation. Total access is the key to peace of mind.

There are so many things I love about this.

a) Now it's obvious why, on a personal level, Arthur's like "pfff, civil rights aren't as important as stopping these aliens! credit card defaults, big deal!" Because he's clearly bent confidentiality rights before in his life.
c) The fact that his equation isn't even an equation! It's just, I don't know, an aphorism or something.

Damn, they are all so cheerful about interrogating this guy! Molly's just sitting there grinning, Nigel happily pricking his finger. A little bit drunk on power, are we?

Javier: What about my bandaid, huh?

Karen's an art history major at Miami Dade College. Sydney Reynolds, Engineer Second Class. He's her older brother. Granted custody of his sister after their parents were killed in a car accident. Oh, no, was this the guy with the peach pit heart? :(

It takes more than six seconds of exposure to trigger cellular mutation.

Hmm, yeah, gotta say that cold-calling Karen probably wasn't the best way to get her trust.

Dude, random techie guy, you are better off with her rejecting you, trust me on this.

Aww, listening to the tape recording :(

I love that as soon as the "mission's accomplished," Ramsey wants to run off to party. Table in the upstairs lounge, oh la la. And Lucas is all responsible. Until Arthur talks him into going, anyway. *g* Of course, I can see Arthur's point -- working two weeks non-stop at the hours they're working? It would be hard not to want a break from that.

Aaah, and another point of contention between Molly and JT. I can definitely see both their points -- he wants his people to be as safe as possible (ie he doesn't want another one of his people nearly being killed because they were sloppy and took her to the medlab), and Molly and Nigel want to see if they can do anything to help Karen because she's the first chance they've had to stop the infection before it goes full-blown. What they really need is a much more secure medlab. :p But JT's not wrong. Molly definitely has a savior complex, which fits in pretty neatly with her control stuff and the way she wants to try to plan out life rather than letting life happen to her.

Holy craaap Molly's jacket looks amazing on her.

The signal creates alien ribosomes in cytoplasm. His drug targets those ribosomes, attempting to prevent them from attaching the third strand to the double helix.

Alien medical research is only 14 days old. Oh, man, Nigel! You do not have an easy job.

JT: I lost someone in a situation like this. My son. Except it wasn't an alien signal that took him, it was drugs. He was only 16.
Molly: I'm sorry, JT.
JT: I don't need sorry. I'm just trying to tell you that I understand the futility of this kind of situation. Do you really think you're gonna get anything from this girl?
JT: You may be able to save the world, Caffrey, but that doesn't mean you'll be able to save everyone in it.


The drug is slowing down the replication of alien nucleotides. The alien physiology is fighting off the medicine, almost like an immuno-response. She developed a really high fever.

Huh, so it does kind of work? That's promising for later development of a cure or vaccine.

Karen: ...It's like when you do something that you know is wrong, but you can't stop doing it.

JT: What're we supposed to do? Nuke Miami?

Oh, God, the way he delivers that line *slays* me.

The highest-ranking army officer's been briefed, General Webber, the Vice Chief of Staff. (What about the Navy/Air Force/etc.?)

Dream team!

Hahaha, Sean and Lucas totally look they're channeling Gus and Shawn from Psych in this shot when they're doing their whole "act natural" routine.

E-bomb: an electromagnetic burst in the 3 billion watt range. Security perimeter of 2,000 yards, because any closer and it'll bake their organs.

Ramsey: I sure hope Caffrey's cooked up one hell of a cover story for this.
JT: Solar flare? Do you think people are gonna buy that?


Molly: ...We've gotta contain this.
JT: Despite collateral damage?
Molly: That's right.

More JT smiling! And nice to see that he's hanging out with them, socializing. Seriously, what the hell is a Threshold Christmas party like? I can only imagine.

Arthur: What do you say we open up a couple bottles of champagne and celebrate this little victory of ours?
JT: Now, no one's saying the fight's over, but this team could stand a pat on the back.
Molly: Absolutely. You guys go ahead, I'll catch up with you later.

Molly: We're not gonna give up on you, okay? We're gonna do everything we can to get you back. I promise.

JT: You may not believe this, but I was pulling for her, too.
Molly: I know.

Oh, the hand on Nigel's back. ♥

Arthur: There you are. I thought you were joining us?
Molly: I had some work to do.
Arthur: Well, you're missing a hell of a party. JT's not such a bad guy when you get a couple of beers in him. You all right?
Molly: Yeah. Just another bad dream.
Arthur: Normal bad kind or the alien bad kind?
Molly: Not sure. I'm gonna check on something. [starts to leave, turns back] Hey, a cold beer sounds good. Will you save one for me?

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review: television, review, =threshold, picspam: caps/promos/etc., -transcripts, picspam

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