Bloop Lades Pay Shell.

Nov 29, 2009 17:11

I don't understand GoogleWave. Am I the only one?


A conversation with my brother the day before Thanksgiving:

BROTHER: All I've been thinking about the last three days is pumpkin pie.
ME: I knew there was a reason we were related.

The highlight of the actual Thanksgiving evening was, for me, sitting in one of those full-body massage chairs and eating pumpkin pie drowned in whip cream. DECADENT.


Uploading stuff to AO3 has led me to some thoughts, although I don't think any are coherent enough yet to submit as actual suggestions.

I think the thing I'd like most is a way to post a ton of drabbles/flashfic and have them still link and/or organize as separate fics but still all be one one page. I think that sentence doesn't make any sense the way I wrote it, um. But, let's say I do a certain type of shortfic challenge in twenty different fandoms, like six lines of smut or ten word ficlets. I don't want to re-post a ten word ficlet as an individual post, obviously. But I don't want to tag one single fic post with twenty fandom & character/pairing tags, either, because it just starts getting unwieldy and, I don't know, it's just sort of annoying because it'll pull up all the fandoms together on the sidebar and I *prefer* to put fandoms together in a fic posting only when they're actually crossed over.

I haven't gotten to the point where I started writing fanhaiku yet (OH GOD HELP ME WHEN I DO) since I'm still in early 2007, but I'm already angsty about that. Because... like, the little single haiku, I'd like to just put up in one giant post from all the fandoms I've ever written in. But some of the longer serial haiku I think I'd want separated, because some of them had storylines and weren't just like 15-word tidbits, they're more like drabbles.

I don't know. I feel like archiving shortfic is inherently difficult. Because there's the whole thing of "well, I don't feel like this ficlet is worth its own unique posting, but I'd post it along with a bunch of other drabbles." I think that's one of the reasons I like writing commentfic so much, because then I can have a billion little ficlets all in one place.

And then there's the whole issue of tagging for pairings, especially in a multi-fic posting. Like, if I write 54 gen ficlets and then there's one that has a few sentences of Character X/Character Y, should I tag for the pairing? Because if someone reads all that for the pairing, they're going to be sorely disappointed, and if a gen reader avoids the entire posting because of that pairing, well, that would kinda suck.

I'm finding tagging for pairings difficult outright, actually, especially with fandoms where the pairing's canon, like BBM. Should I label all the stories Ennis/Jack just because they all imply Ennis/Jack? Should I list both Ennis and Jack as characters in the stories when it might only be from one of their POVs. Like, if I wrote a story where Ennis spends most of it pining for Jack, is Jack a character in that story? Aaaargh, these things, they hurt my brain.

These are the tags I'm using on AO3 right now:

AU** (but only for really AU, like the story where I wrote Ennis/Jack in the Great Gatsby-verse)

100 word drabble
200 words



Community: [community name] (for when I wrote a fic for a particular comm/challenge)
Porn Battle

personal favorite

The 'personal favorite' one is for fics I've been re-reading as I've posted them and liked enough to mark as such. They aren't necessarily the ones I think other people will like, although I do usually think they're some of my better work even if objectively they aren't my best.

There are so many other tags I'd love to use, but I have the feeling I'll just stress myself the hell out. Like, present/past/mixed tenses and first/second/third person pov etc., I love tags like that, but I'd really rather they be categories than tags. I'm assuming at some point there'll be a way to mark for crossovers? But I'm using that for now since I haven't figured out a way to do that.

Threesome does feel a little redundant because of 'multi,' but on the other hand 'multi' could mean a lot of things and it doesn't always automatically imply a threesome.

** I actually spent a little while the other night chewing over a question of language usage in fandom and the best way to wrangle tags that mean different things in different fandoms.

For example, in the Brokeback Mountain fandom:

AU = diverges from the canon storyline but remains within the universe.
AU!AU = takes the characters and places them in an entirely different universe [Ennis and Jack as scuba divers in Australia, whatever]

I haven't really noticed that fandom at large makes this distinction and I'd feel weird tagging my AO3 stories "AU!AU" for my BBM stories when in other fandoms I'd only use "AU."

Also, in the BBM fandom, when we say 'canon,' we're implying that Jack still dies (because most AUs that don't stray outside the universe are focused on finding some way to keep him alive and/or him and Ennis creating some kind of happy life together), but I think that using that word can come across as presumptuous to people not in the fandom.

Sigh! Terminology. Love it and hate it.

I signed up to be a tag wrangler at AO3, ahahahaha, WHYYYYYYYY. I haven't deciphered the whole process enough to jump in, yet, but I have been enjoying reading the discussions even if I don't understand most of them.


So, the other day at Target (where I purchased two seasons of Psych for 15.99 each, what) my left nipple started itching like crazy. My friend was talking, and I was nodding along and trying to look like a normal human being all the while thinking AUUUUUGH HOW SO ITCHY. So I tried to do a sly bicep brush over my chest, and that was just totally ineffectual because my 2-inc thick bras don't play around and a bicep is not an effective scratching tool by any stretch of the definition. Then I graduated up to the quick and dirty forearm rub, thinking that would at least give me a little relief without making me look like a total creeper, but that only made it ITCHIER. D:

See, the thing is, though, if I just reached into my shirt and took care of business, a) there's no way to do that slyly, unless you have way more ninja skills than I do, and b) I would have done the eyes-closing-deep-sigh-of-pleasure thing, you know, like you do when the q-tip hits a really satisfying spot, and that would have just taken the non-public-appropriate level of the gesture to a whole new level.

In summation: I envy dudes.


Things I am thankful for, in no particular order: bright green blanched vegetables, my roommate's cat Blue, my mom and her endless hilarity, my extended family, my health, the fact that there is an entire tag wrangling team on AO3 who thinks about this stuff just as much as I do, all the interesting journals to read, Psych for making me laugh because I'd forgotten how much fun it is to just be silly *and* the girl I volunteer with for also making me laugh all the time and making me remember how much fun it is to play, sewing, the color purple, the sky, learning how to let myself be what I am instead of what I think I should be.

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[[daily randomaundering]], ~organization is my fandom: tagging, service: ao3, ~organization is my fandom

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