Lately this is what my brain looks like: PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH. More specifically: GUS/SHAWN GUS/SHAWN GUS/SHAWN OTP OMG.
I'm currently on episode 2x05, although I also watched all the new S4 eps on my parents' OnDemand. (I swear to God, I go to visit them once a week, and that stupid OnDemand has been responsible for me watching so many things I never would have otherwise. HOARDERS OMG. It's like watching a train wreck, I can't look away, even when the people's houses are filled with MOLD and HORROR.) Gusgusgusgusgusgus. He is so ridiculously adorable and dorky and that moment when they were trying to talk Jules into teaching them how to dance, and he did that little head bob thing of amazing? STILL LAUGHING.
The dancing portions of this make me ridiiiiiiculously happy.
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Oh, yeah, I kinda got into some other fandoms/watched some other stuff, too. Spoilers behind the cuts.
True Blood
Still haven't seen the last ep of S2. This show... just... it's definitely addicting, but omg, Anna Paquin as the main character. She's such a trainwreck.
GODRIC/ERIC KILLED ME. Uuuuugh, Eric, your little perfect bloody tears. And all he wanted was to die with his Maker, aaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhh. Seriously, I can't even talk about this pairing, it just makes me degenerate into stupid polysyllabic sounds. I didn't really like Eric at first, but the internet and Godric changed my mind.
I adore Lafayette. And kinda want some porn about him and Eric.
Some of the worldbuilding's interesting, some I feel annoyed by. I'm wondering at what point they'll stop introducing new supernatural creatures.
Kyle XY
Not gonna lie, I just watched this because I think whatshisname is a hottie. And he did not disappoint in the least. Although I nearly lost my shit when I found out how old he actually is. Seriously, he was a *year* older than me when he was filming that show? He looks like he's barely legal!
Still haven't seen S3. I am pretty much a rabid Jessi/Kyle 'shipper, which is weird, because I thought I'd be all about Declan/Kyle, but I think it's the fucked-up-ness that I enjoy about Jessi/Kyle. They're just such opposites and there's so much history there and so many ways they'd hurt each other and drive each other crazy. I spent a few weeks imagining various AUs in which Jessi *doesn't* have such a fucked-up intro to the world, so that, y'know, there's more than a tiny sliver of hope that she can find happiness. (I really didn't like the way the show just piled so much shit on top of her. How the hell was she supposed to get through all that without just collapsing under all the strain?) I guess I just really would have liked to see what life would have been like for Jessi if she'd had some of the same opportunities as Kyle did.
I actually watched this ages ago but I realize I never talked about it, I just posted fic. *g*
SG-1, for me, was mostly about the following:
- Teal'c cracking my shit up every episode
I liked the show enough to watch all of it, but towards the end it really started hurting my brain. The Ori stuff especially was just... no. I'm sorry, too much. You already made me suspend my disbelief SO MUCH with the Goa'uld that by the time the Ori came around I was just burned out on cheesy-ass villains.
I did love Vala. Cameron, eh, he was cute as an SG-1 fanboy, but every time I watch Ben Browder I feel like I'm watching him play the same character.
What's his name, the guy that replaced Daniel -- he was adorable. I totally 'shipped him and Daniel. Their geeklove would have been adorable. I felt so bad for him when he fell in love with that Goa'uld, awww :(
Also, that guy who Sam was kind on-again off-again with, the one who had the Goa'uld in his head that was the mate to the Goa'uld she'd had briefly? Damn, he was hot. I totally 'shipped them, too, because I love when there are so many layers in a relationship like that.
Also: Janet :(
Seen up through S4.
Hahahaha, oh, God, this show. So ridiculous. I do like the characters a lot. I hate the plots, like, HATE WITH BURNING FIRE. They just hurt me so badly. But I do my best to ignore them when possible. Although the crackfic ideas are first rate. *thumbs up* John-as-a-bug: A++++.
I think precisely because all I saw in fandom was McKay/Sheppard prior to going into the show, I just didn't care about the pairing when I watched. 'Cause I felt like it was just... a given. Or something.
Plus, Ronon. RONON RONON RONON RONON. Jesusfuck, the things I want to do to him. Teyla and John are nummy, too. I don't understand why the killed Carson and Elizabeth :(
I think my favorite pairings for the show are Ronon/John, Ronon/Teyla, Ronon/Elizabeth and Teyla/John. So much het! I have no idea why.
I liked the pilot a lot more than I expected to -- ugh, that one woman, with the blue eyes, she is so effing pretty it hurts me -- but the last couple eps I just keep getting bored while watching. Maybe I need to stop playing it in the background while doing other stuff.
Star Trek XI
This movie was SO MUCH BETTER than I thought it would be.
I lovelovelove that they made it an alternate universe. Love! So! Much! And I liked all the characters across the board, although the guy who played McCoy was a bit much for me at times. But ZQ, omg, he was pretty much born to play nu!Spock, wasn't he? THE EYEBROWS. And all those Sylar expressions transformed into pure Vulcan gold.
Uuuuuuuuuuhura. She's pretty much a panty-melter, for me, between the languages and the badassness and the hotness.
I don't even need to talk about John Cho. I've loved him since Harold and Kumar, and I'll ignore the weirdness of the fact that he carries around a sword with such a huge blade because it really doesn't subtract from the fact that I ADORE HIS STUPID AWESOME FACE.
I think my current favorite pairing is Sulu/Kirk, with Uhura/Spock and Sulu/Spock in a close second. WHY IS THERE NOT MORE SULU/SPOCK FIC, INTERNETS. WHY? D:
I'm currently a few eps behind on this. The last one I saw was the crazy moon orgiastic episode (YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME THAT THERE WASN'T A JOANNA/KAT/ROXIE THREESOME THAT NIGHT. CANNOT).
Sigh. Of course they'd cancel it. Yes, I only started watching because the guy from Kyle XY is in it, but then there was Rebecca Romijn looking all amazing and beautiful in her hippie clothes and being awesome as a mom and character in general, and there's that other woman, Joanna played by an actress who's happa and man, I'd be so happy if they included that in the canon, it pisses me off to no end when they just sort of ignore an actor's biracial, er, biracialness, I guess? Kat doesn't do too much for me, but they are an OT3 of awesome and I have written epic fic in my mind about the three of them discovering their powers together and becoming a poly triad.
But, really, I'm very impressed with Rebecca Romijn Stamos in particular. Maybe it's just because I watched this show with absolutely no expectations that I ended up liking it so much, but I'm sad they're not making more.
I watched this randomly on TV (and my parents' OnDemand, damn that thing), so I have very little feel for the continuity on this show. I adore the characters and I aaaaadore the team dynamic. Since I didn't watch chronologically Kate leaving the cast wasn't so jarring for me. I think I like Ziva a little more? As a character, anyway, I find her more interesting. And it's weird, because she isn't exactly my type, but I find her personality SO HOT.
I can definitely go for a lot of pairings on this show. Tim/Tony, Tim/Abby, Tony/Abby, Tony/Tim/Abby are probably my favorites, although I can believe most permutations.
Noah's Arc
I have one word to say about this show: RICKY.
I don't know why I fell so damn in love with him. But man, I really wished we could have seen more character development on him, for real. Well, in a way I'm glad they didn't develop him more, because I felt this horrible certainty that they were going to monogamize him and cure his "pathological" sex addiction with a One True Love.
I dunno, I think this is almost reflective more of my general feelings about relationships in life as a whole, but I couldn't stand the thought of that being his character arc. I wanted to see him get to the core of what his real issue was, yes, and if he wanted to become monogamous, I wanted to see him *make* that decision rather than having some sort of magical One True Love "cure" him of his "problem." And I'm not trying to deny that sex wasn't a problem in his life -- it was, because it invaded and took over everything, from work to his friendships -- but at the same time, it's not like he couldn't have found a way to be healthy about it.
I guess I just get tired of the portrayal of queer "promiscuous" characters. Like the whole thing with Brian on QAF, etc., where liking to have a lot of sex is basically shown as his way of avoiding emotions and commitment. Multiple sex partners and commitment can go hand and hand, and multiple sex partners and emotional honesty can go hand and hand, and I'm just so fed up with the fact that media doesn't seem to grasp this concept at all and can only show the dark side of it.
Aaanyway, getting off into a rant there. But, yeah, also: Ricky/Noah. Ugh. Those stupid BFF pairings, they always get me. I didn't like the whole "all other men pale in comparison to you, that's why I sleep with so many people" thing (seriously, I struck it from my personal canon as soon as I heard it), but I LOVED the Wade kiss and the fact that we find out that Ricky loves Noah (KNEW IT KNEW IT KNEW IT), and I am so not opposed to the idea of a Noah/Wade/Ricky OT3.
Overall, I liked the show, even if at times it bordered on too campy for me. And I liked the way they did address some of the major issues facing queer men of color, although they didn't go into them as much as I would have liked.
Sports Night
Waaah, why isn't there so much more of this show? :(
This show was my happy place for the entire time while I was watching it. OH, THE BANTER. And Dan/Casey, holyjesusgod, they just murder me. BFFs, yeah, I pretty much have no power against that.
The whole cast just had such great chemistry on this show. And the hijinks! Just so precious.
Also: Dan in therapy, bwuh. That storyline, I could have watched that for SEASONS. I loved his therapist (what was her name again, Abby?) and I loved the dynamic she had with Dan. I actually hunted down every Dan-in-therapy fic I could find, but seriously, any recs would be appreciated because I didn't find much. AND I LOVE DAN IN THERAPY. I love that there's so much going on with him beneath the happy guy top layer. I think I loved it because I could relate with him so much in his vulnerability; finding out that you're not as strong as you think you are is hard. I had a hard time with it, and seriously. I actually can't remember if it was a fic or an episode, but there was a Dan-in-therapy moment that made me cry because I just *felt* for him so much and it was like a little bit of my own story was right there in front of me.
But, yeah, overall awesome show. I mean, I'm glad that it didn't go on for like 10 seasons and get horrible towards the end (that would have been so sad), but another season or two would have been nice.
Pushing Daisies
Awww, this show. So sweet, so adorable, so funny. I really don't find myself too fannish about it, maybe because there isn't a pairing or character I'm really obsessed with. I sort of found myself 'shipping Olive/Emerson towards the end, heh. She's his itty bitty. <3
I want crossovers with other Fullerverse shows so badly. Pushing Daisies/Wonderfalls/Dead Like Me = OT3.
Dark Angel
This was a re-watch for me, though I think I'd missed a lot of S2 when I watched it on TV. Holy fuck, I loved S1. I loved how strong and capable Max was, how her life didn't revolve completely around a man at all. And the Logan/Max tension was so delicious in S1.
Also: Original Cindy/Max = OTP. Ugh, Cindy is so hot. And Jessica Alba had slightly more meat on her bones in S1. I wish she still looked that.
Too bad S2 was so meh. I mean, I liked a lot of the *ideas* of S2, but the delivery was so, so poor. Alec was fun, yeah, and it's not that I didn't like all the others, but I don't know, whatever made the show so great in S1 just was not happening.
Joan of Arcadia
Loved it, loved it. Loved all the theological discussion. I loved Adam/Joan before they got together, because shit just got weird once they hooked up. And Grace/Luke! Oh, God, they were an *adorable* couple.
I'm bummed that Friedman never got someone who didn't die or leave :( I imagined lots of AUs where Friedman and whatshername, Joan's friend, got together and he recited that entire thing he memorized for her and it would be so sweet and romantic and perfect, two misfits who find something perfect with each other <333
Really, I just liked the show as a whole, though. I liked how thoughtful it was, and I could totally relate to Joan -- she isn't one of those people who has a specific *thing* in her life, and that's always how I've felt and I could really relate with a lot of her struggles for identity and finding a place for herself and a meaning for her life.
Freaks and Geeks
Not too much to say about this show, actually, other than: fabulous. So totally different from my highschool experience, but so hilarious and the cast all had great chemistry with each other.
Oh, also, I feel like I should let anyone know who might have been hoping more content from the fandoms I used to be in, well.
Heroes: stopped watched after S2 and haven't really been convinced to pick it up again.
ATWT: fell hopelessly behind and not sure yet if I have the motivation to pick it up again.
Every day is defriending amnesty day here, of course.
Aaand that's me. What all fandoms are you guys in now? I keep seeing Merlin all over the place.
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