Haha, continuing to go through files and found this. Am muchly amused. I think people should sit around and make up words all the time. Didn't I write this with one of you?
deardotti, I'm looking at you.
smrtrdictfurme: a dictionary for naturally smarter people
gersfundite -- having random words, esp. colonoscopy, pop into your head at random times
ascentionallation v.- hyperventilating while being attacked by an octopus
ghirebilliquimpoulis n. -
1. the dust that collects under thimbles
2. a dessert eaten in the orbit of mars
habnorweeblecifourre n. - a nonreligious mockingbird, especially larger in size
wicklewockytocky n. - a series of hopscotch steps, performed esp. while under the influence of alcoholic beverage known as 'scotch' (slang); sometimes players are coated in butterscotch prepared by prekindergarteners.
zokeblicerity n. - anger in amounts weighing 0.5-5mg
figglewazzuzzooglemplax: a group of caterpillars called that is not a flock, swarm, herd, gaggle or murder.